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The owner of the oil and gas business and the father of the head of the Lviv Ova...

Kozitsky -Sr. is the beneficiary of the Association, which includes a company recognized as NAPC by an international sponsor of war - Sikalov

The owner of the oil and gas business and the father of the head of the Lviv Ova Ova Zinova Kozitsky is the beneficiary of the Association "Oil and Gas of Ukraine", whose co -founder is a subsidiary of Weatherford International, recognized as an international sponsor of the war in February 2024. About it reports public activist, expert of SE "Poltavanaftogazgeology" Gennady Sikalov with reference to data of the Unified Register.

He notes that the Association "Oil and Gas of Ukraine" was in defense of the horizons LLC, owned by Zinova Kozitsky and Czech billionaire Karel Komarek, who was a perennial partner of the Russian "Gazprom". The activist indicates that the beneficial owners of the Association "NAFTA and GAZ of Ukraine" are Zinova Kozitsky, and in the past - the active chairman of the Lviv OVA Maxim Kozytsky, and cites screenshots of the register, which confirm it.

"In defense of their company Kozitski send an association, the beneficiaries they are. What - so could it be?" - the author poses a rhetorical question. Having analyzed the other founders of the said Association, the activist found a subsidiary Weatherford International, which NAPC called the works of works for Russian "Rosneft". "Weserford Ukraine", a subsidiary of Weatherford International, recognized by NAPC in February this year as an international sponsor of war.

It does not go out of Russia and is not going. According to him, the introduction of the company on the Lists of NAPC took place in February 2024, so in Zinovia Kozitsky there was enough time to either leave the association or exclude "Veserford", but this was not done. Sikalov notes that the Kozitsky case is a precedent for other powerful and business.

"Because if it is possible to cooperate with the Russian deeds of a representative Dear SBU and NSDCs! We will remind, Karel Komarek is a well -known Czech billionaire, who for a long time with Gazprom owned a gas storage facility in the Czech Republic. According to the British editions of The Telegraph and The Guardian, despite the pressure of the EU and the United Kingdom, he has not broken the relationship with Gazprom for a long time.