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Military observers noted that given the speed of the Chinese missile, which reac...

The ship went to the bottom: China has successfully tested the winged YJ-12B rocket (video)

Military observers noted that given the speed of the Chinese missile, which reaches 3 strokes, she will need no more than 30 seconds to defeat a target in Taiwan. China has successfully tested the anti-ship winged rocket YJ-12B, which successfully struck and, as reported, drove the ship in the sea. According to Bulgarian Military Viewers, the tests demonstrated the rocket potential in terms of penetration through US defense systems and Taiwan's natural barriers.

The YJ-12B rocket, designed for coastal defense, can be started from the ground, it is equipped with a jet engine, which allows to develop speeds of more than 3 strokes at high altitudes. Its flight range is 300-400 kilometers, which allows the targets to hit the goals far beyond the horizon, posing a threat to large naval vessels.

The combination of guidance systems - inertial navigation, active radar homing and terminal guidance - makes the rocket highly effective against modern air defense systems. The authors of the material noted that the tests emphasize the danger that is YJ-12B for Taiwan's Navy and their allies, especially in the context of military stresses around the Taiwan Strait.

The system is capable of reaching a target in just 30 seconds, which complicates the interception even for advanced air defense systems, such as AEGIS of the US Navy. At the same time, the rocket is already deployed in the South Chinese islands, which gives China a strategic advantage in the region. In turn, Taiwan, faced with this threat, is forced to review his defense strategies.

Experts emphasize that natural barriers, such as the Taiwanese Strait, are no longer a reliable protection against modern rocket technologies. Therefore, in response, Taiwan develops asymmetric strategies aimed at enhancing his defensive capabilities, but remains obvious that current air defense systems are not effective enough to counteract the threat that comes from YJ-12B.