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Hungary Prime Minister stated that the Russian Federation has no strength to fig...

"Cannot cope with Ukraine": Orban doubts that the Russian Federation will attack Europe

Hungary Prime Minister stated that the Russian Federation has no strength to fight NATO. But he suggested that the collision was inevitable if the EU continues to support Ukraine. Victor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary on Friday, interviews one of the state radio stations-Kossuth Rádió. This time, he spoke about the war in Ukraine and the prospect of Russian attack on NATO countries. Telex writes about it.

Orban said that Hungary is now actively equipping his army, stating that "not the presence of armies leads to war, but their absence. " "Self -defense requires an army, soldiers and training," Orban said, adding that the Hungarian army is still not strong enough, but they are moving in the right direction. He said that one of the most important questions was whether Russia will stop if it wins Ukraine. "If the Russians were strong enough to win the Ukrainians, they would have already won.

But we do not see it. NATO power is incomparable with the force of Ukraine. NATO in a hundred, and maybe a thousand times more, so I do not think it is logical to assume that Russia, which cannot cope with even Ukraine, suddenly comes and, baz, will take the whole Western world, "-explained Orban, saying that, in his opinion, the chances that anyone will attack the NATO member country , extremely small.

He also noted that NATO was a defensive union, and repeated that the Russian-Ukrainian war is a conflict between two Slavic peoples. "There is an alarming resemblance between moods before the First and Second World Wars and the present atmosphere. What is happening today in Brussels and Washington, perhaps now, is now more in Brussels than in Washington, is a kind of adjustment to a possible direct military conflict, we can It is bold to call this preparation of Europe for the war, ”Orban said.

Speaking of Ukraine's support from the EU, he wondered: "How many more weapons are we going to send? How much more money are we going to send?" Orban believes that this can soon lead to a collision between NATO, the EU and Russia, and he considers it "a gloomy perspective. " But he noted that Hungary continues to adhere to the Alliance Charter.

"There is no mention in the statute that NATO will ever participate in wars outside its territory, in non-NATO countries," he said, adding that there are already committees and target groups that determine which determin NATO mission will look like. Orban stated that Hungary was involved in these meetings, but Hungarian diplomats made it clear that they did not support participation in the war outside NATO.

"NATO now came up with a new term to describe the position of Hungary, it is called" The Supervisory ". We are now non -part -time. In international politics there is a different expression:" refusal to participate. " They refused to participate, our participation in the NATO military structure and our position would also have changed, "he explained, adding that the team of lawyers was working on how Hungary can continue their membership. NATO, without participating in NATO operations outside NATO.