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Russian trenches and defense structures need to be destroyed by powerful weapons...

More than 6000 km of trenches: an expert named weapons that could destroy Russian defense

Russian trenches and defense structures need to be destroyed by powerful weapons. It is about artillery shells of the 155th caliber, cassette ammunition, aviation bombs, missiles and drones, said expert Igor Romanenko. In the temporarily occupied territories, the armed forces of the Russian Federation died over six thousand kilometers of engineering and forming structures. Military expert Igor Romanenko in a comment "TSN. UA" told how to destroy enemy trenches.

He believes that Russian trenches can be destroyed with the help of powerful means of defeat, including artillery shells of the 155th caliber, but they are not enough for Ukraine. "Partners from Europe promised us to give 1 million such shells, but so far they did not give so much. Why? Because they decided to produce them in themselves, and there are no capacities in all Europe for this.

Because the rule worked here - the funds of Europeans should remain with Europeans themselves, "said Igor Romanenko. According to him, this approach of the Armed Forces does not have the promised million shells. 2-3 days, while the occupiers use 50-80 thousand shells per day. The expert also noted that Russian trenches and defense structures should be destroyed by powerful weapons. He stressed that the Armed Forces received ATACMS casset To beat on hostile infantry and light armored equipment.

Instead, the Armed Forces need ATACMS to punch concrete on fortification so that the combat part will explode directly in the bunker. "It would be an effective weapon against the enemy engineering structures, but we do not have it. Thanks to the British and the French, we received rockets that impress the enemy at a distance of up to 300 kilometers. But, for example, the Germans do not give us such rockets, and Americans do not give ATCMS with a more powerful combat part, " - explained Romanenko.

The military expert said that trenches can be destroy Cassette bombs in 1-1. 5 tones. In addition, defensive fortifications can be destroyed by weapons of domestic production, but Romanenko stated that it is necessary to establish her conveyor release. We are talking about the winged rockets "Neptune", Ukrainian Operations-Tactical Rapent " Thunder2.

You can also destroy hostile fortifications with heavy drones that have a powerful combat part, because such light drones that are now in the military, do not solve the situation. It is necessary to beat powerfully on enemy trenches and trenches-the main thing is that it was something, "Igor Romanenko. Recall that on November 22, Deepstate analysts said that Russian military has accumulated over six thousand kilometers There are Zaporizhzhya and Donetsk regions.