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The Armed Forces of the Armed Forces are reached by four types of damage to Crim...

Crimean Explosions: What do the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces mean on the databases of the occupiers (video)

The Armed Forces of the Armed Forces are reached by four types of damage to Crimea, explained the international security expert. Ukrainian remedies are naval and air base drones. Western - Storm Shadow missiles, which have finally added ATACMS. The Russian state-of-the-art starting installations C-400, which carry out air defense in the Crimea, were helpless before the rockets that are beaten by the Armed Forces.

Their ineffectiveness is evidenced by a number of work out, which became known during May. What are the consequences of regular strokes of defense forces on the DzS Armed Forces in Crimea, an expert on international security of the Democratic Initiatives. Ilka Kucheriv Taras Zhovtenko told on air of the portal "Kiev 24". Zhovtenko explained that the development for military purposes of the Russian Federation in Crimea began in the summer of 2023.

For example, then for several months they destroyed five C-400 air defense installations. To do this, Ukrainians used quite limited means - drones of maritime and air base, a small number of Storm Shadow missiles. However, at some point, the Armed Forces began to get for another kind of goals - on strategic military facilities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the expert said.

The latest achievements of the defense forces are the Belbek airfield, the radar systems of long-range detection on Mount Ai-Petri, the means of electronic reconnaissance. The reason for increasing efficiency is the appearance of ATACMS missiles with a cassette warhead. It is noticeable that these a means of air damage are older than the installations they destroy (for example, the C-400 of the Russian Federation began to produce in 2007, and ATACMS in the United States-the development of 1988).

"After the Armed Forces received ATACMS, we saw a completely different quality. Even the most modern, so-called" analogue "Russian systems, the same C-400, they are absolutely unable to cope with American Balticism, which is not the latest. In cassette performance With these ballistic missiles, obviously, Russian systems do not cope with in any way, " - he sounded on the air of the channel. In the near future, Zhovkva explained, the invaders in the Crimea will not be fine.

"There are very difficult times for Russians in Crimea," he said. Earlier, the focus listed the military goals, to which the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the spring of 2024. Among them are the Alushta communication knot (four ATACMS missiles flew in May 23), 266-m marine minespaper and a small rocket ship "Cyclone" (the arrival The village of Mospine in Donetsk region (strikes on May 22).