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On October 22, the annual Brix Association Summit started in Russian Kazan this ...

Summit Brix 2024: How will the meeting affect the world order and what does Putin achieve

On October 22, the annual Brix Association Summit started in Russian Kazan this time. Delegations from dozens of countries came to the West, but some of them preferred to give up a visit for various reasons. The Brix Summit will continue from October 22 to 24, but on the first day, according to the program published on the official website of the association, only "ceremony of meetings of the heads of delegations of the state of the XVI Brix summit, which arrive for informal lunch" is planned.

The main part of the summit will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, and will end with the press conference of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The focus gathered everything that is known about the summit. The Assistant President of the Russian Federation in international affairs Yuri Ushakov said the day before that 36 countries should be represented at the Brix summit and 22 of them - at the highest level. Heads of six international organizations had to come to Kazan, RIA Novosti reports.

"We are waiting for the participation of representatives of 36 countries and the leadership of six international organizations. It can be said that 22 leaders will be present from these 36 countries. That is, 22 delegations will be presented at the summit at the highest level," Yuri Ushakov said.

Among the world leaders who have already arrived or gathered for a summit in Kazan, India Modi Prime Minister, China Si Jinping, Presidents, Turkish, Egypt, Iran, the head of Palestinian autonomy of Mahmud Abbas and some others, have been observed. On the first day of the Summit, the Prime Minister of India discussed with the Russian President and called for peace, Reuters wrote.

New Delhi is ready to help reach a truce to put an end to "one of the most fragile conflicts in Europe since World War II. " "We are constantly communicating about the continued conflict between Russia and Ukraine. We believe that problems should be solved only by peaceful means. We fully support peace and stability as soon ", - said Nari Modi.

By the way, the head of Syril Ramafos also negotiated with Russian head of state Vladimir Putin, after which he stated that the summit would have to consider peace, security and trade. The event is also expected to attend the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and such an act was criticized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. In the summer of this year, he refused to attend the global peace of peace in Switzerland, but accepted the invitation of the President of Russia.

"The UN Secretary General has rejected Ukraine's invitation to the first global peace in Switzerland. However, he accepted the invitation to Kazan from Putin's military criminal. This is a wrong choice that does not contribute to peace. He only damages the UN reputation," the statement reads.

At the last moment, his trip to the Brix Summit in Kazan was canceled by Brazil's President Lula da Silva, and the cause was an accident that happened to the 78-year-old leader-he got a cut at the nape of the neck, just above his neck, as reported in the Presidential Administration, but as as This is what happened - there was no information. At the same time, the media claim that last Saturday it fell in the bathroom.

Serbia President Alexander Vuchich also decided not to visit the Brix Summit, which he personally told in an interview with RTS. This is due to a dense schedule, because on October 23, the head of Serbia is planned to meet with the Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk, and negotiate with Greek Prime Minister Kiriakos Michotakis and the President of the European Commission Ursula von Der Len.

At the same time, Alexander Vuchich in conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin confessed that even if it were not for these meetings, it would be difficult for him to escape into Kazan because of various things that are well known to the President of the Russian Federation. "I told him that even without all this it would be difficult, but we will send a delegation from four of our ministers," said President of Serbia.

The hereditary Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed Ibn Salman will also not appear at the Brix summit and the country will be represented by the local foreign minister, wrote in Reuters. During the event, Russia intends to convince Brix countries to create a separate platform for international payments, he wrote Reuters, which would not be vulnerable to Western sanctions.

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, as well as Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates, which have recently joined, intend to create a powerful counterweight in world politics and trade. The authors of the material also noted that the Moscow Summit should be proof that the Kremlin's efforts were not successful in the Kremlin isolation, so the countries that seek it should join Brix to "rework the global financial system and put an end to the dominance of the US dollar" .

Moreover, the Russian President is convinced that the Brix union will stimulate global economic growth in the future, but not the West. This should lead to economic sovereignty. "The countries that are part of our association are essentially the drivers of global economic growth. In the near future it is Brix that will ensure the major growth Economic sovereignty, "said Vladimir Putin.

The CNN analyzed the summit, which began on October 22 in Kazan, and concluded that despite the event of the West to isolate Russia for its crimes, the Kremlin is far from alone. There is a coalition of the emerging countries according to Moscow, the authors of the material write. Summit Brix is ​​the largest international meeting organized by Russia since February 2022.

"This week, Brix and other countries will evidence of a growing rapprochement of nations that hope to see the shifts in the global balance of forces and - in the case of some of them, such as Moscow, Beijing and Tehran - directly resist the West, headed by the United States," - said message.

The Washington Post also believes that the Brix summit needs a Kremlin to demonstrate the West, including the United States that Russia is returning to the world arena as a global player and now not one, but with "allies". In addition, the event is held only a few weeks before the US presidential election, where Donald Trump can win, who repeatedly declared his good relations with Vladimir Putin, and allegedly after he left the White House, he remained in touch with Head of the Kremlin.

"The story for the world and for the internal audience is that Russia is far from isolated. Russia is ostracism from the event, but we are at home with the global majority. And the narrative is that the event is now a global minority," - said Alexander Gabuev in a comment to journalists. The summit can also be discussed during the summit. In particular, countries such as Syria, Nigeria, Thailand, Turkey, Honduras are considered.

At the same time, there are doubts, Bloomberg wrote that the corresponding agreement will be able to reach the Kazan. The Executive Director of the South African Institute of International Relations Elizabeth Sidiropoulos also noted that after the expansion of BRIX at the beginning of the year, three countries participating became the so-called "anti-Western camp". It is about China, Russia and Iran.

At the same time, other members of the association, such as India and Brazil, do not want to fully rewrite the global order, but intend only to refine it in the interests of the global south. Accordingly, Brazil and New Delhi do not share the position that Brix is ​​a group against the event.

"For us, the United States is the most important partner in terms of our future growth, technology and access to technology, and so we do not want a situation where Brix becomes the center of conflict with the event on economic and political fronts.

Therefore, while we are there we would like to To have more cooperation within Brix and to work on a positive day for the form of the international system in cooperation, not in confrontation mode, " - said the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of India and the exhibit in Russia.

South Africa also wants to see Brix as a platform of economic opportunities, not as a NATO or EU challenge, the Head of the Department of Political Studies at the University of Political Studies by Zeleet Jolobe continued in a comment by the WP. Western leaders prefer to ignore Brix and practically do not speak about it. In the White House, however, they commented on a summit that passes in Russian Kazan.

US Presidential Presidential President, John Karin Jean Jean-Pierre, said Washington did not consider Brix's association a "geopolitical rival". "We are focused on work - working with partners around the world and creating the widest and deepest coalitions that will help you achieve our common goals. This is what we will focus on. This is neither for the United States nor for anyone else, "Karin Jean-Pierre said.

Separately, the White House spokeswoman added that the United States intends to continue to build relations with Brix members, including Brazil, India and South Africa. This also applies to China. Representatives of the European Union and NATO did not comment on the Brix summit in Russia at the time of material publication. We will remind, in September 2024 in Bloomberg reported that Turkey has applied for admission to Brix and the issues can be discussed in October during the summit.