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The air forces of the Russian Federation suffered another expensive loss-Il-76 f...

The engine is "tired". The army of the Russian Federation lost the basis of air logistics, what is important the IL-76 aircraft

The air forces of the Russian Federation suffered another expensive loss-Il-76 fell, barely flying over the strip. The aircraft repeatedly delivered personnel and goods for the needs of the invaders, including missiles for the C-300 anti-aircraft missile complexes, which firing frontiers. The focus found out how the fall of transporters reduces the enemy's combat capability. The Russian military transport aircraft IL-76 failed to fulfill the mission due to the fire of the engine.

The aircraft fell in the Ivanovo region of the Russian Federation near the military airfield "North". All 16 people were on board, emergency services continue to work at the fall. According to one version, there were several unregistered passengers on board. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation officially reported about eight crew members and seven passengers aboard the ship. It is also known that the plane had pilots from Orenburg.

The governor of the Orenburg region Denis Pasler called the "Irreparable Loss" event for families and the 117th Military Transport Aviation Regiment, where pilots served. Military officials do not disclose losses. IL-76 was implementing a planned flight, but almost immediately after a detachment from the strip of his right engine of smoke, said Telegram-channel "112". The crew wanted to return to the airfield, but when he went to the turn, the engine broke out.

The heavy car did not reach the "northern" and fell into the forest plant near the cemetery. The automatic engine fire extinguishing system has turned on, but people could not be saved. The cause of the engine ignition may be the rupture of the rotary part-the standard "sore" of all old D-30 motors, Mash said. The dropping transporter was equipped with an old modification engine. After a lot of mileage, the metal "tired", the rotary part is broken.

Due to the fact that the rotors rotate at high speed, their fragments fly through, punching fuel hoses and hydraulics with fuselage as balls. As a result, the engine almost always flashes. "The disadvantage was tried to correct in the USSR, but it has not happened. Modern IL-76MD-90A is already produced with new engines. But old modifications are used," the authors emphasize. Judging by open source information, the estimated cost of the IL-76 aircraft-$ 27 million.

The specific price depends on the modifications and features of the transporter. The Russian PCS has about 130 IL-76 aircraft of different modifications. In 2023, the Russian Defense Ministry received six IL-76 produced in Ulyanovsk. The CEO of the Joint Aviation Corporation Yuri Slyusar promised to increase production plan by at least 18 aircraft a year.

IL-76 is the main machine that provides logistics and delivery of goods during a full-scale war in Ukraine, says the former deputy chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, retired Lieutenant General Igor Romanenko. "The disappeared expensive flight unit. From the point of view of combat efficiency, this is important because the transporter performed a number of important front-line tasks. The Russian military used IL-76 for transportation and landing C-300 ",-comments the military.

The losses of Su-34 and Su-35 fighters, as well as aircraft of long-range radar detection A-50, steadily impair the situation of the CCS of Russia. Each destruction of the unit of aviation is reflected in the moral and psychological state of the flight composition, the expert emphasizes.

It is also interesting that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation fell without the use of expensive weapons and efforts of the Defense Forces of Ukraine, added the head of the Ukrainian Center for Security and Cooperation Sergey Kuzan. "Indeed, the fall of the aircraft was the result of Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine. In fact, one of the main transport aircraft of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was destroyed.

Accordingly, the possibility of the enemy for the landing of personnel and the transportation of weapons decreasing," he says. The cousin compares transport aircraft with large landing ships of the enemy at sea. "Il-76 is in fact the basis of the air logistics of the Russian army. Fighters and bombers are not able to take large military cargo on board and carry out landing," he summed up.

We will remind, Ukrainian drones recently successfully attacked the hangar in Taganrog, where the Russians kept the A-50 aircraft. Strategically significant facilities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are applied in carefully protected places. Focus earlier wrote about the initiative of the Ukrainian authorities to start negotiations to open airports. Israel's experience can be taken as a basis: airports operate in the country, but the risk of drone or missiles is critical.