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Valentina Simonenko denies the receipt of Russian citizenship, but recognizes th...

Receives 200 thousand hryvnias per month: the media found a passport of the Russian Federation in a Ukrainian judge (photo)

Valentina Simonenko denies the receipt of Russian citizenship, but recognizes that after his resignation she receives a lifelong monetary detention. Judge of the Supreme Court Valentina Symonenko, who in March 2023 resigned, received a passport of the Russian Federation in 2003. This is stated in the investigation of the "Scheme" project of October 9. It is reported that Valentina Simonenko became a citizen of the Russian Federation on April 10, 2003.

At that time, she carried Smirnov's name and held the position of judge in the Court of Appeal of Sevastopol in Crimea. The document was issued in accordance with Article 18 of paragraph 18 "A" of the Federal Law "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation", which states that citizenship can acquire a person whose husband or wife or relative or parents are citizens of Russia. Currently, Valentina Symonenko's passport is invalid in connection with the expiration of the validity.

Investigators note that she probably did not proceed from the citizenship of the Russian Federation, since it is necessary to submit a document on removal from registration accounting at the place of residence, which Simonenko, according to investigators, did not do. In March this year, Valentina Simonenko filed a resignation. According to the authors of the investigation, the amount of lifetime monetary deduction of Simonenko can be about 200,000 UAH per month.

In a comment to the journalists, Simonenko denied that she had received Russian citizenship. At the same time, she acknowledged that she visited the Russian Federation repeatedly, as her husband's parents lived there. The judge also confirmed that since April 2023 he receives a lifelong cash detention of about 200 thousand hryvnias a month.

We will remind that on July 13 journalists reported that in the judge of the Donetsk District Administrative Court Lyudmila Arestova may be Russian citizenship. Information that Arestov is a Russian citizen recorded in the Rospasport automated system.