
Criminal and unprepared soldiers. Whom and how did the US send to the war in Vietnam

The desire to lock holes in the army anyone leads to the best consequences. The serviceman Igor Luchenko shows this on the example of the US Army, which was sent to the Vietnamese war of both morons and criminals. How did you fight the lack of fighters in the US during a Vietnamese campaign? Lessons for Ukraine. At the initiative of US President Lindon Johnson and Defense Minister Robert Mcnaamari, college students were allowed to receive a deferral.

As a result, the deficit of conscripts in the troops was filled with natives of the poor of society and the working class (as good that in Ukraine everything is the opposite!). In 1966, the lack of personnel became especially sharp, and Mcamamar launched a project of 100,000, presented to the public as a law on "social correction".

Within five years, 345,000 people with low IQ and education have joined the Armed Forces, Oh, that is, the US Army, having acquired the informal name "McNamara's Morons) in American society. Despite the fact that many of these people have succeeded in the service, including a large number of cases of HSF, disobedience, attacks on comrades and other war crimes. However, at first they managed to reduce the severity of personnel famine. Temporarily.

However, in connection with the losses in the Pokrovsky direction, Oh, that is, in the battles with the Viet -Convocs, this amount was not enough - and the functionaries of the pentagon, who were despondent, again reduced the requirements for the conscript contingent. As a result, criminal criminals, drug addicts and mentally ill, who have caused nothing but neglect, were rushed into the army.

For example, the commandant of the US Marine Corps, Luis Wilson, without shy, called them "the scarecrows of society", and General William Westmorland expressed his horror from the presence in the military ranks in recent years of the Vietnamese war of these "unreasonable, criminal and unprepared" people. *** We need to introduce high -quality, not just quantitative indicators of the performance of the CCC.

For example, if a large percentage of recruits of a particular shopping center goes to the HSC, or vice versa, receives service awards - then evaluate such work accordingly. Therefore, the additional bonus will receive those units in which the percentage of the HCP is smaller - then the shopping center will be sent to recruits with more eagerness there. (Of course, the issues should be raised primarily by commanders, but this is another topic).