
Due to the war in Ukraine: in Lithuania, they decided to involve in the service in the army of all school graduates

According to the reform plans of the Ministry of Defense of the country, after the call of young people it will not be possible to join higher education institutions until the completion of military service. The Lithuanian Parliament supported a package of laws on military service reform in the country. From now on, young people will have to pass military service immediately after graduation. Delfi informs about it.

In addition, a new reform implies that young people will need to undergo a physical examination after reaching the age of 17. "For" adoption of the bill, 85 deputies voted, 3 were "against" and 14 - "abstained". Earlier, the Lithuanian National Defense Ministry has published a proposal that provides alternatives for service for higher education students.

At the same time, this idea led to the decisive resistance of representatives of the educational sphere, as well as some of the youth organizations of Lithuania. Thus, the new bill will not require the idea of ​​inclusion of current students in the conscription lists. Instead, the call of young people will happen immediately after they finish their studies. They will receive a report of the call to the army at the age of 17, when the medical commission will pass.

In the case of conscription, young people will not have the right to join higher education institutions until they are completed. Already in 2025, the boys will pass the medical commission, and since 2026, after the reform came into force, they may already be included in the conscription lists. Those who will not call the army due to health problems will have the right to join higher education institutions.

"We have learned the lesson that the principle of universal defense should begin with the expansion of our armed forces and the transition to general military service. The lessons of Ukraine clearly show us that the whole country should fight against a much larger opponent, otherwise it is impossible to resist. I am glad that the Seimas for consideration A truly balanced reform was introduced, "-explained the need for such a step, Conservator Paulus Saudargas.