
The occupiers have adapted Chinese "golfar" Desertcross under mobile air defense (photo)

On Desertcross 1000-3, paired machine guns of 7. 62-mm PKT were placed to obviously fight Ukrainian drones. Russian invaders have adapted Chinese all-terrain desertcross 1000-3 under a mobile fire group. About it reports Defense Blog. The impromptu anti-aircraft installation consists of paired PKT machine guns, which were installed on board "DESERTCROSS 1000-3.

Golfmobil adaptation is a testament to a serious shortage of military transport and major losses in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Desetcross 1000-3 is a full-wheel drive quad bike with an engine by 72 horsepower. It has a 50-liter fuel tank and has a total weight of 916 kg. The golfcar carriage is 300 kg, which is enough for two PCTs of 7. 62 mm caliber. It is known that cars supplies to Russia Chinese manufacturer Desertcross 1000-3.