
Drones in the Ukrainian rear: as "eagles", Zala and SuperCam are cited by Russian missiles, and how to fight it

The Russians found a way to bypass the Ukrainian remedies, fly into the rear districts and cite rocket or drones-Kamikadze on objects. Experts told focus that it is difficult to counteract the invaders' reconnaissance UAVs, but there are effective means. Over the past few months, Russian invaders have published at least a dozen cases when their drones have been in operation within the frontal areas: Zaporozhye, Kharkiv, Sumy, Odesa region.

Usually, such videos show the lesions of Ukrainian objects, the impression that the drone calmly flies over the cities and captures arrivals. That is why the focus decided to understand how Russian drones manage to fly into the Ukrainian rear at a distance of 40-60 km and bring rockets into different objects. The occupiers have several types of reconnaissance drones that can fly up to 100 km deep into the Ukrainian territory. Among them are Zala, Orlan and SuperCam.

Therefore, if the map is at risk, the enemy can fly on a large area, including regional centers: Sumy, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Zaporozhye, Kryvyi Rih, Odesa. It is worth noting that this does not mean that Russian drones can act everywhere. It all depends on the means of air defense, EW, Rer and others, which can detect and affect enemy drones in a particular region.

Therefore, the map is only a symbol where enemy drones can be theoretically and, if they are started, as close as possible to the collision line. In the Russian telegram-channel "Chronicle of the UAV operator" write that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation essentially uses the analogue of the Ukrainian connection of UAV Shark plus the reactive system of the Himars bulky fire.

Russian drones "Orlan-30" can produce mortars with 240 mm "Smelchak" (up to 10 km) or artillery calculations with 152 mm controlled shells "Krasnopol" (up to 25 km). In addition, these machines are capable of specifying the targets for the X-38ML aviation missiles up to 40 km. The Z-16 reconnaissance drones (formerly Zala-421-16e/HD) are searched in the rear of objects that can affect the lancet lancet barrel-their flight range is 30-40 km depending on the model.

Supercam S350 cite a much more farm Russian weapon: Tornado-C recesses for 150 km, and the Iskander missiles fly at all by 500 km. Probably, in the army of the Russian Federation there are other ties of UAVs and means of damage that allow to beat on the Ukrainian rear. Also, Orlan-10 drone is able to cite reactive artillery, including Tornado RSSU. UAV transmits the coordinates of the whole and corrects the fire of artillery.

Russian "Orlan-10" has a range up to 120 km and is able to stay in the air for up to 16 hours. The drone can function without GPS or GLONAS, as it can program the route in advance. Military and radio expert Sergey Beskrestnov with the call sign "Flash" gives another connection - the drone SumerCam, which is physically smaller than "Orlan". It can fly into the Ukrainian rear and it is difficult to hit it.

In this way, the occupiers were able to track part of the Patriot complex and the helicopter parking lot of 40-50 km along the front line. In addition, the drones have received technical means that allow you to look for land communication facilities that operate in radio wave ranges 2. 4 GHz and 5. 8 GHz. These waves, in particular, work with Starlink satellite communication terminals.

Russian telegram channels and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation publish videos of the defeat of allegedly Ukrainian military objects. Some applications cannot be verified, but in Sumy, for example, the D-20 howitzers were affected. Satellite images showed that they stood there before the full -scale war, so they were probably not recoverable.

Therefore, the potential goals for Russian rockets and drones can be: Aviation expert Anatoly Khrapchynsky explained focus why so many drones have been in the rear of defense forces recently. If we talk about land monitoring system, it is best to work either very close to the ground or at an altitude of about 5 km, but with quality optics. They allow you to see the enemy's positions, analyze possible logistics pathways and many other things.

"After the destruction of A-50 aircraft, Russia began to catastrophically suffer from the lack of information in the frontal area due to the fact that they stopped working with radar systems with DLLO. Previously, UAVs also flew so actively. To get more information. .

In his post, the junior sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the UAV operator Oleksandr Karpyuk spoke about new technologies of drones of the Russian Federation and the tactics of their use, which allows to conduct air intelligence in the Ukrainian rear easily. Aircraft not only collect valuable information about the location of objects, but also strike the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Russian engineers have improved the design of their reconnaissance drones, such as Zala, Orlan, SuperCam, adding additional navigation systems that cannot suppress Ukrainian electronic warfare. One of them allows UAV to determine its position on two radios located on the radio horizon and invisible for radio electronic intelligence.

They convey their coordinates, and UAV is calculating the time it takes to reach, and then the distance to the beacons and their own location with the accuracy of a square kilometer. An auxiliary optical navigation system is used to clarify the position. The drone takes a snapshot with a camera and then verifies it with the area loaded into the onboard computer, identifies points-orientation points, and then accurately indicates the location in the air.

According to Oleksandr Karpyuk, it literally "breaks" the system of the IU of Ukraine and allows the Russians not to consider the suppression of navigation systems. Intelligence drones in the mode of silence overcome 30-40 km, fly to the Ukrainian rear, where there are no radio interruptions, turn on the communication and from there transmit data. As the defense forces notice the threat and try to knock down the aircraft - they will already bring missiles to military positions.

"Do you think this is some secret information? This information was officially indicated by the Russians in their UAV presentations 7-8 months ago. It was simply ignored on our part," Alexander Karpyuk said. Igor Krynychko, the chairman of the Skyssist Skyssist Skyssist, which produces Sulfur and Sirko-2, said the Skyssist UAV, in the conversation with focus: any system that helps the device to borrow itself in space is extremely useful and necessary , especially for military tasks.

Such systems work throughout the world, including in Russia. Developers in Ukraine are also working on the development of various navigation systems. "Lighthouse is on its principle GPS on Earth. That is, by measuring the distance of board to beacons, using the triangulation method, it is possible to determine the coordinate of finding aircraft. The number of beacons directly affects the accuracy Navigation requires at least 4-5 compounds.

Of course, the use of beacons for navigation is accompanied by additional inconvenience. For more or less accurate positioning, it is necessary that beacons are spread from each other at considerable distances. These distances are measured by several corners. That is, to prepare for the task, it is necessary to spread the beacons in advance, and after work it is necessary to pick them up. During combat work, this is quite problematic.

But the opportunity to get additional navigation opportunities is worth it. "I communicate a lot with the military around the front. It cannot be said that beacons are massively installed, but they are," Igor Krynichko emphasized. As Igor Krynichko explained, optical navigation systems, this is first and foremost the receipt and processing (analysis) of video flow. There are several basic principles of optical navigation that can use drones to determine their position in space.

The first option - when the analysis allows you to recognize the guidance on the video and compare them with the guidelines on the map. Thus, the navigation system has the ability to determine its position. Another way to analyze the displacement of some conditional point on the video. This analysis provides additional information with an inertial navigation system, which significantly increases the accuracy of positioning.

There is a third way when the car goes beyond the route and records the video on which it flies, and then returns to the previously recorded information. This is not a comprehensive list of use of video flow analysis. "There are so many options for using optical analysis that you will not do a short article!" - emphasized Igor Krynichko. Focus asked experts that Ukraine could contrast the UAV reconnaissance, invulnerable to the means of HR.

As it turned out, there are ways to prevent them from both on the lift and in the rear. As Anatoly Khrapchynsky explained, the wing -wing -type drones are not necessarily needed by GPS satellite system, because they stabilize in the air in a physical way, that is, the flow of air, and suppression by means of the I ride does not knock them down. In the case of coptors suppression of navigation on a certain area of ​​the route, too, will do especially if the pilot retains control of the device.

The remedies can cut off the relationship between the operator and the drone itself, but if the drone collects information in automatic mode, for example, within an hour, and then returns and provides data, then everything is different, because the suppression cannot interrupt the collection process itself. "Another thing is when the aircraft is in the air and the picture is transmitted online. We see, for example, blows on important and sensitive objects in Ukraine.

We must not forget that we see the end result. It is likely that they may not even be filmed Having a connection with the apparatus. Igor Krynychko confirmed that it is difficult to neutralize Russian drones that overcome the curtain of the Reb and find themselves in the Ukrainian rear. The main problem is the absence of effective and inexpensive means of damage. On the use of radio electronic fighting.

Even if the Russians have found a way to bypass the remedies, they cannot be switched off, Igor Krynichko assured. In this case, Ukrainian troops will simply facilitate the life of the enemy, which is not allowed. According to him, the means of electronic struggle are different, and they act differently on drones. Some are silenced satellite navigation, others - video binding signals so that operators do not see what is happening, others - control systems.

There are also systems that allow you to replace coordinates and deceive the aircraft navigation systems. "Our enemy attacked us with probably one of the most powerful remedies in the world. We were forced to catch up with both the technologies of the fight against HRs and in the development of our own remedies. Today we already have some success on this front. They do not stand still and develop on both sides, "says Skyssist representative.

Any enemy reconnaissance, near or far, is very dangerous, continued by Igor Krynichko, so they need to be knocked down. This can be done by Ukrainian remedies, or simply physically. One of the means of physical importance of air intelligence officers of the enemy can be UAV-interceptors. Many people think about it today, but the task is not easy, because it is necessary to identify the goal, bring to the interceptor to it, to ensure a means of defeat on the target, etc.

Such tasks have already been solved in "large aviation", but the cost of the system themselves is not commensurate with the cost of the destroyed target. Even the most expensive reconnaissance UAV of the enemy will be an order of magnitude or several orders of magnitude cheaper. According to Igor Krynichko, it is necessary to develop effective interception systems that will be in one price niche, and it is desirable that the interceptor is much cheaper than the target.

"As far as I know, in Ukraine and in other countries, they are already working on such systems," the UAV developer shared. With regard to the technology of use of beacons, Igor Krynichko noted that beacons have active radiation. Analyzing the distance to the source, it is possible to calculate the coordinates of such beacons, for example, using the triangulation method, which is already a step towards the possibility of destroying such devices.

The range of beacons depends directly on the transmitter's capacity. On average, they can send signals to drones for 20-30 kilometers, possibly 50, remaining relatively invisible. But the greater the distance provides such a navigation system, the more radio tract it becomes. Accordingly, there is more likelihood of impression. To identify the lighthouse is half the case, it is necessary to find more than it is effective. As the developer has hinted, shock drones can help here.

Speaking of optical analysis systems, Igor Krynichko noted that the usual remedies of the HRs could not interfere with the work of optical navigation. The fact is that all the processes of such analysis occur within the unmanned apparatus, that is, no radio union between the land station and the apparatus in the air. That is why it is a futile business.

Such equipment will be able to stop the powerful electromagnetic radiation, which literally burns electronics, such a weapon in the world is developed, but until it is widely applied in practice. Smoke curtains or weather conditions, such as fog, can prevent hostile optics. "Optical analysis systems are probably the most promising thing. We will find the beacons, they radiate, it is relatively easy if you put on the target.

But optics such a thing is that if there is, what to see and analyze it is difficult to interfere with this. Even in the night It is possible to see and analyze, for example, thermal imagers, infrared night vision cameras allow you to get the necessary information even in the dark. - said Igor Krynichko. According to Anatoly Khrapchynsky, as the Russian reconnaissance drone flies near the front line, his optical navigation system can be neutralized by blinding the optics itself.

On the El AI aircraft, for example, the air defense system, which directs the laser beam to the camera and dazzles it. "We can burn the board laser rays and the board will become blind," he emphasized. According to Anatoly Khrapchynsky, the counteraction of reconnaissance UAVs should be comprehensive. Ukraine cannot shoot on them expensive air defense missiles, can use the means of HR, but this does not guarantee the deprivation of the invaders of valuable information collected during the flight.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider the physical destruction of drones, this can be done with the help of small arms, which successfully knocks out "Shahda". But there are small in the size of UAVs, so it will be difficult to hit them. The best solution should be to find shock drones that will be given to and destroy it.

The expert recalled that a new type of shock UAV (an analogue of the Russian "Lancat"), which is accelerated to 140 km/h and allows to destroy other drones in the air, had recently released. He was presented to the President and shown striking purposes, but against air purposes, he also works effectively by blasting in the air or direct collision with a target. It is still worth considering FPV-pions, they can move at speeds of up to 180 km, which will destroy the air target.

"If we talk about destruction, then in any case we are talking about a comprehensive solution. Suppression of the EW, destruction in the air. If we talk about distances, they can be very different, up to 600 km, because there are some UAVs that have the opportunity to fly But we see that the frontline is the most guaranteed to 100 km. There are certain algorithms that build the military in the event of enemy reconnaissance in the rear.

Fighters can see something with their own eyes, but most likely the air defense forces will be the first to notice the drone thanks to detection systems or systems of electronic intelligence. Then the conditional group should leave and hit the fixed object in the sky. The mobile fire group can work against Shahaneda and against reconnaissance UAVs. There is no difference whether it is zala or it is "Orlan" or "Fortpost". "There is a need for their destruction and now it is very relevant.

That is, found, and then suppressed or knocked down. The defense of objects has certain people who perform certain tasks. Therefore, if we talk about intelligence UAVs, then they need to be identified and destroyed. Also, the same Gepard can easily identify and destroy them, "Khrapchinsky assured.

На його думку, у тилу треба створити ще один ешелон протиповітряної оборони, який займатиметься саме виявленням невеликих літальних апаратів. Для цього треба створити високочастотне радіолокаційне поле, яке б на підході до міста виявляло б дрони.

Вже існують певні системи, які дозволяють створювати таке поле на низькій висоті. Наприклад, така система є в американському комплексі HAWK, але треба створювати щільнішу систему, яка дозволить побачити "Орлан" на відстані 10 км, а не за 3-5 км, як зараз.

"Поки група виїде, незрозуміло, куди він вже долетить. Тому ми кажемо, що треба створювати систему, яка б виявляла і давала інформацію в певних секторах, де знаходиться система з таким радіусом дії.

Далі знищуємо або стрілецьким озброєнням, або знищуємо іншим БПЛА", — каже експерт. Не варто забувати, що в Україні вже є велика кількість власних моделей розвідувальних дронів, перевірених у бойових умовах. "Є у нас аналоги, але й вироби значно цікавіші.

Якщо хочете, ми можемо казати, що у нас є системи, які дозволяють залітати на глибину понад 1000 км і збирати певні розвідувальні дані. Всі тонкощі ми не можемо казати", — запевнив Анатолій Храпчинський.

Ігор Криничко розповів, що не тільки у росіян, але і у нас також на деяких виробах є системи, які використовують маяки для навігації на місцевості. "Я бачив дію наших маячків, вони мають набагато більшу точність, ніж квадратний кілометр.

Розвідники нашого ворога, ті ж SuperCam або Zala, мають можливість залетіти на відстані до 100 км. Але навігація за допомогою маяків ефективно діє на відстанях до 30-40 км.

Є можливість збільшувати тактичний радіус дії, але це супроводжується необхідністю збільшувати потужність маяків та відповідно збільшувати енергетичний запас (акумулятори). Це збільшує незручності використання, та збільшує радіопомітність маячків.

Як кажуть, точність навігації в кілометр… Квадратний кілометр – то дуже висока погрішність, насправді вона набагато менша.

Знаю хлопців, які літають на українських комплексах машинах, там не так точно, як GPS, але точність похибка вимірюється десятками метрів, ніяк не кілометрами", – зазначив він.

Як зазначив Ігор Криничко, він не чув від українських військових, щоб хтось у Силах оборони використовував оптичні системи для навігації, але вони, ймовірно, можуть бути у розпорядженні підрозділів ГУР або СБУ.

Інша справа, що такі системи потребують масового виробництва, саме його планують налагодити у Skyassist. Перші випробування показали обнадійливі результати. Незабаром підприємство обіцяє передати захисникам України власну технологію для безпілотників.

Завдяки новій системі оптичної навігації більше українських дронів зможуть обходити засоби РЕБ, залітати у тил ЗС РФ, щоб вести розвідку, наводити удари або самостійно знищувати цілі.

Вона не просто точно вкаже безпілотнику, де він знаходиться, а ще й точно йти на ціль і виконувати завдання під час придушення всіх каналів зв'язку. "Оптичні системи, на мій погляд, це один із найважливіших напрямків розвитку навігації безпілотних апаратів й не тільки.

Наша компанія спрямовує багато зусиль на розробку систем оптичного аналізу. До 70% власного наукового потенціалу зайнято вирішенню саме цієї задачи. Для прискорення, ми залучили додатково високо фахових українських інженерів та відомі інжинірингові компанії зі Франції.

Сподіваємося, що вже у найближчий час ми дамо своє рішення для наших користувачів. Насамперед, нашим Силам оборони. Всі наши розробки безумовно будуть використовуватись і на наших безпілотних авіаційних комплексах серії Sirko.

Ми розуміємо, що крім массовості (а ми на сьогодні маємо можливість виробляти до 1000 бортів на місяць), необхідно дати функціонал який дозволить нашим військовим успішно виконувати бойові завдання.

Наша концепція — робити массово, з достатнім функціоналом і не за всі кошти світу.