
"Throwed to the Kursk Region": the Russian Federation takes away the reconnaissance drones from Ukraine as it helps the Armed Forces

The fighting on the territory of the Russian Federation showed that the enemy has a limited number of UAV-reconnaissance, who cited "Isanders" on objects in the rear of Ukraine. The armed forces of the Russian Federation were probably transferred to their intelligence drones from Sumy region of Ukraine to the Kursk region of the Russian Federation. This was written by a Ukrainian specialist in the field of radio technologies Sergey Beskrestnov in his Telegram channel.

The expert noted that his UAV monitoring points no longer detect hostile drones in the Sumy region. The same situation with the monitoring systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The predictable reason for this is the continuing fighting in the Kursk region. "Conclusion: the enemy is not an infinite resource of winged intelligence. Despite all their praise posts. And now they were all that was in the region, of course, they were thrown into the Kursk region," - suggested Sergei Beskrestov.

According to the expert, while Russian scouts are in the Kursk region, the enemy cannot observe the situation in the rear of Ukraine. In particular, the occupiers can no longer cite "Isanders" on Ukrainian military facilities in the mentioned region. "Everything that happens is not in vain," the expert summed up. We will remind, on August 8 Focus wrote how the offensive in the Kursk region of Russia.

According to analysts, at least 45 square kilometers of Russian territory have already been captured. According to unconfirmed data, the Russian Federation has lost control of the city of Sudzh - the last point of transshipment of gas across Ukraine to Europe. Earlier, on July 8, the Air Force representative Yuri Ignatu warned that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation began to launch in the rear of Ukraine intelligence drones with a disconnected GPS signal.

Then 30-40 Russian UAVs flew every day along the front line. They carried out intelligence in Sumy and Kharkiv regions, and sometimes they flew into the deep rear of the country. For his part, the coordinator of the "Information Resistance" group Alexander Kovalenko in his article of July 4 told what were the methods of combating the intelligence drones of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.