
Destroyed the launcher of the Russian Federation in Belgorod region: the Armed Forces blocked the logistics of the Russians under Lipka

The Armed Forces destroyed the launchers of the Russians in Belgorod region, caused the occupants of losses among personnel and were able to move in the village of Hlybok. The forces of Ukraine's defense were able to cut off ways of supply of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Liptsi area in Kharkiv region. Taking advantage of this moment, the Ukrainian defenders struck the enemy of devastating blows.

A fighter of the 24th OSBD Stanislav Bunyatov with the call sign "Osman" informed about it in his telegram "Sniper". "After the permission is ** a sew in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, we cut off their ways of supply and destroyed launchers in the surrounding villages of Belgorod. Thanks to this, many P ** OROVs were embarrassed from **, we went on the streets of Hlybi defender. He added that the occupiers have recently been able to restore logistics and change their units.

"The situation is generally stable in our favor," Osman said. In the evening summary of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, on June 27, the situation in Lipets did not mention, but it was reported that in the Kharkiv direction the occupants tried to attack three times in the afternoon. "Fighting in the Vovchansk area is ongoing. In the Kupyansk direction, Ukrainian defenders reflects 10 assault actions of the occupation troops since the beginning of the day. The battle near Sinkivka continues.