
An explosion came in Kiev: a military and a woman (photo) were killed

The man called the police and reported that there was an explosion in the next apartment. Law enforcement officers and doctors immediately arrived at the scene. In Kiev in the Dnieper district in the evening, November 19, there was an explosion. In one of the apartments of the high -rise building, a grenade was detonated. Two people were killed. About it reports police of Kiev. Explosive equipment, investigative team and criminalists arrived at the scene.

"A citizen addressed the police that there was an explosion in the next apartment. Law enforcement officers and doctors immediately arrived at the scene. Previously, police found that a serviceman and a woman who was in the home was killed as a result of a grenade detonation," . It is also known about another person who is the brother of the dead serviceman. He was injured and he was squeezed. The Kiev police noted that after the audit of the event, legal qualification would be provided.