
He was Kiva's colleague and then broke through the border with the Russian Federation: the Hero of Ukraine became a combat of 225 OSHB Shiryaev

Captain Oleg Shiryaev commands 225 with a separate assault battalion of the Armed Forces, which is actively involved in surgery in the Kursk region. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleg Shiryaev, and awarded him the Order of the Golden Star. This is stated in the relevant Decree No. 669 of the Head of State.

"For the personal courage and heroism, revealed in the protection of state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, dedicated service to the Ukrainian people: to assign the title of Hero of Ukraine with awarding the Order of" Golden Star "Shiryaev Oleg Viktorovich - the captain," - said. According to Media Port, Oleg Shiryaev from Kharkiv participated in the ATO.

Now he commands 225 with a separate assault battalion, which is fighting in the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, which Shiiryaev himself hinted on his Instagram page. It should be noted that Oleg Shiryaev was also a curator of the organization "Patriots - for the life of" liquidated in the Russian Federation former People's Deputy Elijah Kiva. In 2021, the SBU informed him about the suspicion of spreading, they write "lattice".

Yes, he was charged with deliberate grievous bodily harm and hooliganism with weapons. At that time, the special services believed that Shiryaev and other participants of the organization were attacked with a knife and a casket on their ideological opponent-probably a participant in the socio-political movement "Azov". The purpose of such an attack, according to the intelligence service, was to provoke a response from nationalist organizations. In 2022 he stood in defense of Kharkiv region.