
"Despite the war and shelling": the KMVA told whether they will install a Christmas tree in the center of Kiev

On Sofia Square, a Christmas tree has been installed for many years. KMVA considers this a tradition to be followed. The head of the Kyiv City Military Administration, Serhiy Popko, stated that this year on Sofia Square can install a Christmas tree. He reported this in an interview with TSN. ua. "Despite all - war, shelling, shutdown of light. Traditions must be kept," said Sergei Popko. He stressed that for many years, a Christmas tree has been installed on Sofia Square.

In particular, it was also last year. According to the ass, this year the Christmas tree should also stand in the center of Kiev, unless there are force majeure and other circumstances. Sergey Popko added that any solution should be approached with a cold head, so the question of the Christmas tree should wait for winter. We will remind, in November 2022 in the Kiev region forbade the use of New Year's illumination, including garlands and light scenery.

Then the ban concerned commercial, state and municipal objects. According to the OVA, the corresponding decision was connected through the rigid mode of electricity savings. In June, the media reported that in the UK in one of the cities they did not remove the Christmas tree because it lived a forest pigeon.