
The Russian spacecraft has an accident while joining the ISS: what happened (video)

The MC-25 Progress Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Space Man. The astronauts had to do the joint of the MC-25 progress ship remotely because he himself could not automatically be able to do so. The Russian truck had problems with autopilot, Space writes. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel.

Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! Russian astronauts who are at the International Space Station (ICS) had to take on manual control of the MS-25 Progress Ship, which during the rapprochement with the station had a failure in the automated rapprochement system. The space shipment was sent to orbit on Friday, December 1, with 2. 5 tons of equipment, fuel, food and other supplies, which are designed to maintain the life and operation of the ISS crew.

Before approaching the station, the MS-25 progress made 37 flights around the Earth and on Sunday, December 3, began a rapprochement with the ISS. He had an automatic mode to do the "search" module, located in the Russian orbital station. According to NASA, during the rapprochement, the cargo ship began to deviate from the course and it seemed that it was not flying to the dock. Therefore, Russian astronauts had to take over the management of the cargo ship to complete its mission.

In particular, the flight of the ship was watched from the board of the ISS by the Russians Oleg Kononenko and Mykola Chub, who took over the management of "progress" when he was 150 meters away from the station. Kononenko managed the remote joining of the ship with the ISS, because, apparently, the Russian "truck" had a failure in his own automated rapprochement system. As a result, the ship successfully struck with the orbital station.

Space ships "Progress" are one of the three types of vehicles that now deliver equipment and supplies to astronauts in orbit. Like the American Cygnus ship from Northrop Grumman, Russian Progress ships are disposable. This means that a few months after a new SOCD on the ISS arrives, the MS-25 progress will be launched into the Earth's atmosphere, where it will burn. As the focus has already wrote, the ship MC-23 progress, which was observed by Astronaut NASA, has recently been destroyed.

But there is another type of cargo ships that deliver goods to the ISS - Dragon ships from SpaceX. They, unlike the first two ships, are multiple. Focus also wrote that the planned landing of NASA astronauts per month may not take place at the end of 2025. According to experts, not all technical problems have been resolved with a boarding module and new space suites. By the way, the planting module is built by Ilona Mask SpaceX.