
They are fighting worse. As ruthless commanders weaken the Armed Forces

The serviceman Oleksandr Karpyuk draws attention to the problem that is becoming more and more important for the Ukrainian army. These are thoughtless and ruthless commanders who send their soldiers to slaughter, which leads to a deterioration of the quality of units. There is such a problem in some units. Unfortunately, some commanders cannot understand simple logic. The chronology is as follows.

The commander receives replenishment, motivated guys, good harmonious, then received combat experience, "rex", all hood. Work begins, "Rex" goes into the fire, though the assault, and the commander begins to use them to give the results. Increasing the activity of the unit leads to a rapid increase in the number of injured/dead. They begin to replenish with someone (many info, who used those who "stayed in the rear").

But from those who sat in the rear, mostly or technical specialists, or grandparents who cannot fight as well as "rex", and more often refuse to keep positions (especially if experience was used before their eyes, as they used in this area " Rex ", which simply wound here with the tasks). The next composition of the unit is already lower than it was the previous one. Which was crazy because they thought it would constantly replenish the fighters of the same quality.

After a few months of such iterations, the unit degrades and cannot hold the site. It both in human quality and motivation is very different from the previous composition. Especially by demotivation. But the commanders continue to cut them as "Rexam". And from above they look and do not understand why so, there were 50 types here, and now 50 fighters, and they cannot hold the position. The result is lost positions.

Because the commanders before the eyes as an example of the "first composition", and they drive people to the forefront, believing that the problem is only in cowardice, we just have to give this platoon order, to plow them, and it will solve the problem, and they will fight as predecessors. Does not decide.

In some areas, the commanders who keep the personnel are adequate, they simply retreat gradually because they understand that there are no people and the quality of these people to reflect the positions back. But so is not always. And so, it is necessary to finally remind some commanders that the human resource is exhaustive. You can… to settle your unit as much as you like, but you have no other. This is the best you have and the next ones will be worse.

Because the crews for recovery are hardly displayed, the work on coordination is minimal, and the more iterations - the more degraded the unit. And if you are about… there are these tasks - then the next iteration will be even worse. But even without prior combat experience. Therefore, some military need to study the first rule of management: "The goals must be real and achievable, it is the key to fulfilling the mission. " Unfortunately, not everyone understands it. Care people.