
Save the technique from drones and rockets: Ukrainian manufacturers will surprise the Russians with new remedies

Engineers and programmers from Ukraine are preparing to transfer to military technologies that should become "gamesjeners" during the war. Representatives of Kvertus, Piranha Tech and "Dandelion" have revealed the focus some details. During a full -scale war in Ukraine, drones have become almost the most important offensive weapons, so it is very important for the military to have effective counteraction.

Ukrainian enterprises KVERTUS, Piranha Tech and "Dandelion" have told focus about the latest developments in the field of radio electronic struggle (HRV), which can significantly change the situation on the battlefield. SEO KVERTUS Yaroslav Filimonov stated that its company is today the largest and most systematic in the production of radio electronic struggle in Ukraine, both portable and stationary - to protect critical infrastructure, factories and important facilities.

The peculiarity of the manufacturer is that the entire line of means stands in service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, all of them are codified according to NATO standards. Kvertus is an official supplier of means to all power structures: the Armed Forces, the National Guard, the National Police, the SBU, the State Border Service and so on. "They all buy officially, we work completely" cheated ", that is, we sell anything for" cache "without documents.

We sell our products precisely as a means of radio electronic wrestling. Non This is the main difference from the vast majority of other manufacturers. We have separate decisions against FPV-punks, against the drones-reconnaissance, separately on a soldier in a backpack format. which will be relevant in half a year, a year later, three or five years, " - said the chairman Kvertus.

Recently, the company has signed an agreement with "Ukrainian armored vehicles" - a manufacturer of armored vehicles, such as an armored vehicle "Novator" and Bogdan's CAU, that all this equipment will be completed with KVERTUS remedies directly at production, that is, it will go to the customer already protected . "This is the right path we will now try to bring to other manufacturers of armored and any other equipment used in the war.

Because conditional armored jeep is a naked target that can be struck by drone or by renovating, or repairing, or Destroying in principle, " - said Yaroslav Filimonov. Kvertus is constantly working on the development of new tools, in particular, during the last one and a half years, the developers have worked on the means of electronic reconnaissance KVERTUS MS Azimuth.

According to Yaroslav Filimonov, it is now the best in its classroom a device for detecting drones not only among Ukrainian but also among foreign counterparts. "In the fall we will introduce Kvertus Ms Ranger - a tool that will be more precisely diaper, it will have a better antennnofider solution, and it will see further. This is a very technological thing that can be combined into the network to transmit data online to all ours Hymeting systems such as Graphite, - said the head of the company.

As for drones and pilots. Within a few weeks, Kvertus is going to present a completely new technology of radio electronic fight. If 95% of all remedies of the HR now use analog modules that create a powerful "white noise", then the novelty works below the noise level and affects the communication protocol without preventing signal transmission. "We will distribute these means to the military for their testing in the conditions of fighting.

This technology makes it possible to splash the necessary frequencies through the Internet. This tool can be used and operated remotely, through the smartphone," - said Yaroslav Filimonov. Another extremely important novelty Kvertus is preparing to be released at the end of the summer - an automated complex of detection and disposal. To put it bluntly, Azimuth will indicate the direction or point on the map where something moves, as well as the radio frequency of this goal.

Then the means of suppressing - that is, the EC - will neutralize the target by the new technology of work on the protocol, it is at the frequencies of the target. "We will still test, research, but we put such a logic that technology will work not only against commercial drones of DJI, Autel, FPV, but also against large drones of" Orlan ", Zala, SuperCam, Lannta and so on .

Ми віримо в те, що цей новітній засіб РЕБ буде знешкоджувати всі дрони, аби не повторювалися такі ситуації, як та, що недавно трапилася у Миргороді, де висів коригувальний дрон і направляв ракету, куди потрібно вдарити, — анонсував Філімонов.

— Сам по The shock drone "Lancet" is not as scary as the drone that is cited. And we will add power to combat missions. Above Yaroslav Filimonov mentioned the means of Reb in the form of backpacks, who should protect the soldiers on the battlefield. Many criticize this approach because the presence of a source of powerful radio emitting very close to the body can damage the health of a soldier.

Yaroslav Filimonov told why such complexes are still needed by the Ukrainian military and how the company reduces the risks. "War is generally useful for health. It is about consumption. The FPV-Dron will do more harm than an antitrone backpack. We give a recommendation on its use in the instructions and in the passport of the product, everything is clearly spelled out there," the President says.

-Any radiation whether it is an antitrone, or a mobile phone, or Wi-Fi router, or other devices that radiate something, some harm to health. From the worse: either be irradiated equipment, or die from drone. " The most important thing is that one person should use the REB-creaign to the total no more than an hour a day and then pass on another. With such use, as suggesting in Kvertus, this equipment will not cause critical damage to health.

However, the company wants to see this, having received a scientific commencement, but it is not yet. "We are concerned with these questions, it worries us, because we want not only to protect the lives and health of our fighters, but also that they return home healthy after using the means The question is still investigated. Yaroslav Filimonov explained.

Anatoly Khrapchinsky, Deputy Director of Piranha Tech, says that Ukrainian engineers are already producing Reb means on their own generators - this is what creates radio interruptions, which are then reinforced. "We have several types of generators for both large systems and small, mobile. There are even more technological remedies that can be controlled through a mobile phone using a mobile application. There you can change a large number of parameters, including range and power" , - he said.

According to the expert, now on the front line is mainly used by those remedies that can be put either on equipment or in the trench. That is, most of them serve to protect personnel. "But we already have suggestions for creating systems that will help to perform more significant tasks - overlapping large sectors. We offer a SPR system that allows you to close distances from 5 to 20 kilometers.

This is detection and destruction by suppressing channels that can be used to control reconnaissance or percussion, " - said Anatoly Khrapchinsky. For comparison, Russia has a large number of electronic struggle that are built on car or tracked chassis. There are some powerful systems that suppress, for example, navigation in the Baltic Sea.

However, such equipment cannot be used effectively on the front line, because it is a motionless, cumbersome, very visible to radio electronic intelligence, cannot quickly gather and go. Ukraine should take into account these mistakes and create powerful but mobile systems that will be able to work, for example, against hostile technology. "We have very good systems that allow you to suppress navigation or coordinate replacement, which reduces the accuracy of both Russian rockets and aviation.

It is clear that they need more. There are means that protect in the trench. We have provided some directions to systems that protect sectors And they are not very bulky. Construction of several lines of defense with systems of different classes, stationary, or movable.

In an interview with focus, he also spoke about another useful Ukrainian development - software that modulates the fully line of defense and provides communication between units at the division commander level to offer decisions on communication between units. There are now many different tools that help to detect and neutralize UAV in various ways, so it is very important to establish a relationship between pilots and HR.

The head of R&D (development and research) of the manufacturer Roman Rubanck states that "dandelion" is a complex tool against drones, which was developed primarily for the protection of small movable transport. There are already more than a thousand complexes on the front, they are known to the military and are in demand among them. According to Roman Ruban, Dandelion has received a modular design, which significantly increased the possibility of survival of the system.

In the case of a hostile attack, the complex in a single building suffers all, and the military lose all frequencies at once. The modular complex is more likely to survive due to diversification of various modules, different antennas, you can replace some damaged parts, and it will work on. "I designed the" dandelion "in this way. For example, we are often sent to repair one damaged block with one antenna at one frequency, and the other two blocks are still driving by car and protecting.

Protection, "the developer shared. Roman Ruban identified two other Ukrainian manufacturers who, in his opinion, produce good things. The first is UNWAVE and their tent complex, which is also in demand from the military. The second is "Antidrone. c", he is "Antidron Ukraine". "Among all manufacturers, I no longer know anyone who could stand at the same level with" dandelion ", and these manufacturers can, they are cool," he said.

The Kulbab developers team has recently returned from the EuroSatory 2024 exhibition, which was held in Paris, and the overall impression of this exhibition was described in the following words: the world is not ready for the war that is now taking place in Ukraine and is not even prepared. "All the solutions to protect against the UAVs we saw were at the level of the startup alley.

And the means already exhibited as the samples they are proud of are the level of the beginning of our hostilities. And even after half a year, these means have already become ineffective, not to mention About now. Antirone guns or guns are remedies that can suppress unmanned aerial vehicles with narrow -minded radio waves.

In the first two years of a full -scale war, they have been very popular, but now, according to Roman Ruban, they need radical changes, and manufacturers work in this direction. So he soon plans to reconstruct one model of towels to the modern requirements of the front and soon to produce it series. The reason is that the frequencies at which the drones work. As Roman Ruban explained, Ukraine can no longer rely on foreign producers as before.

For example, in Latvia and Lithuania, they produce good means, but developers are slowly responding to changes that occur in the war. If their rifles coincide with the needs of the Ukrainian military - they can be purchased, but if not, then the same manufacturers have many customers in other countries, so they will not process their products. Meanwhile, manufacturers in Ukraine have to be flexible, they can quickly receive feedback from the front and refine their models.

If this is possible, the antironous rifle will be relevant in the future. "For example, the gun needed a frequency of 800-900 MHz-one range, 2. 4 GHz-the second range, 5. 8 GHz-the third, 1. 2 Gz and so on-the fourth, satellite range. If you take this rifle now, it is no longer relevant, because it will not work with only two ranges. And below, there is no point in using it and count on it, - a more complex protection is required.

It was to use it, but it becomes a suitcase without a handle on the front. obstacles modules to make a "cross -fire", and thanks to released energy, you can reduce battery or simply increase the time of work without recharging. "Here's an elementary nearest plan for antitrone rifles that local manufacturers will be relevant. Because other frequencies are simply not needed. Why puts 800-900 MHz or 1.