
He withstood 5 discharges and almost did not get their own: the Armed Forces were captured by the occupier (video)

The occupier spent a week without food and water, and then decided to surrender to the Armed Forces fighters, who dropped his note and medicine. On one of the areas of the front, the fighters of the K-2 battalion of the 54th separate mechanized brigade with a drone were captured by the occupier, who survived after a failed assault of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This was reported in the press service of the battalion.

It is noted that one of the UAV operators with the call sign "Styger" found the occupier who was hiding in positions under concrete cover. The Russian tried to eliminate the discharges - he escaped from 5. After that, the Russian crawled out of shelter and asked for captivity. As it turned out later, after a failed assault, the occupier spent a week in his storage without food and water. The Armed Forces fighters dropped his medicine and a note explaining how to act and in what direction to go.

On the way to the Ukrainian positions, the Russian survived the attack from Russian artillerymen who tried to eliminate it. "The occupier still managed to reach the points where our infantrymen took him prisoner, but not without adventures. After all, the Russians fought artillery fire on his own fighter. Perhaps the occupier has already realized how much he was lucky,"- said in the K- battalion. 2. We will remind that earlier in "Azov" showed how the Russians were captured.