
Crash Dniproges: What will happen if Russia blows a dam

The Dniproges dam is very strong, it is very difficult to destroy it, but if the Russian Federation can do it, the consequences will be catastrophic, warned by MP Sergei Step. They feel the whole world - and it is necessary for the aggressor to be responsible for international laws, and Ukraine can create a historical precedent. From the beginning of a full -scale invasion, the Russian Federation has already made two massive shelling of the Dnieper hydroelectric power plant.

She stood, but suffered serious damage. In the case of complete destruction of Dniproges, the consequences will be even more significant than after the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station, and it is, in particular, the consequences for the environment for many decades in advance. It should be noted right away: to destroy the Dniproges, so that the dam stops restraining thousands of tons of water, is quite difficult, and it is unlikely to be possible due to one rocket attack.

The designs in Soviet times were projected from the possible fighting and bombing, they are sufficiently stable, so you should not panic. But if the attacks are repeated regularly, the threat will become more realistic. The consequences for the city of Zaporozhye, within which Dniproges is located, is quite difficult to predict. There are only approximate (I emphasize this) evaluation.

According to various estimates, in the case of complete destruction of the dam, water can reach a level of 8-12 meters (~ 4–5 floors) and hold on it for 4 to 7 hours, and a complete drop in water level will last 2–4 days. In the area of ​​catastrophic flooding will be almost the entire left bank of Zaporozhye. By February 24, about 450-500 thousand people lived there. Today - less, but because of the large number of internally displaced persons, the figure is not very significant.

It is difficult to even imagine the potential number of casualties and victims of such a catastrophic scenario. I emphasize that these estimates are very approximate, but even if they are largely inaccurate, it is still clear that the consequences will be terrible. In addition to the threat of life and health of people, it is important to mention the possible potential effects of Dniproges destruction for the environment.

They are completely predictable and understandable! In the case of a breakthrough of the dam, thousands of tons of water will flood not only Zaporozhye, but also settlements below the Dnieper. Water, together with toxins, waste and petroleum products, will get into a wide bed of Kakhovka reservoir. And these are only the primary consequences. After the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, a "carpet" of dead fish, debris, algae, animals of animals soon formed.

The same with a high probability will happen in the case of destruction of Dniproges. Large territories, including fertile soils of the south of Zaporizhzhya region, will be clogged. For many years, it will make them not suitable for agricultural activities. The consequences will be palpable around the world, as the south of Ukraine has always produced large crops.

And even now that some of these territories are temporarily occupied, there are thousands of tons of grain that is then exported to exports to the Middle East and Africa. If these territories become unusable for growing wheat, the food crisis will be felt around the world in one way or another. Do not forget about other long-term consequences, such as the threat of death of a large number of species of plants and animals that live in the territories down the Dnieper.

Nearly one and a half thousand hectares of reserve funds of local importance, botanical reserves, which have trees in several centuries and plants from the "Red Book" can disappear forever. As of this second, the environmental losses due to Russian attacks on the Dnieper hydroelectric power plant are already over 140 million hryvnias.

Dniproges oil products after the first shelling, which occurred on March 22, got into the water and exceeded their concentration twice 30 kilometers below the stream. Obviously, the complete destruction of the dam will cause losses of tens or even hundreds of billions.

How realistically to hold the aggressor for crimes and already caused damage to the environment? An additional protocol to the Geneva Conventions dating from June 8, 1977 contains Article 55 of the following content: "When conducting hostilities, care should be found for the protection of the natural environment from broad, long -term and serious harm.