
The President examined the typography destroyed by Russian blow in Kharkiv

In Kharkiv, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky visited the place of the destroyed printing complex "Factor-Print" and met with the leadership of the typography. The head of state reported that on the eve of the morning, Russian invaders had struck nine rocket strikes in the Kholodnogorsk and foundation of Kharkiv. As a result of the shelling, a binding shop caught fire on the territory of the typography. There were more than 50 employees during a rocket attack at the enterprise.

Seven died, 21 people were injured. According to preliminary estimates, about 20,000 books for children and adults, including school textbooks, were destroyed. It was the production of a full cycle where almost all Ukrainian publishers were printed.   Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed his condolences to his relatives and relatives of those who died as a result of this rocket strike by the aggressor country. He also promised that the state would find money to restore production capacity.