
Kept not falling: Putin continued "entertainment" after flight to Tu-160m (photo)

The airfield in Kazan, visited by Russian President Vladimir Putin, is at a distance achievable for Ukrainian UAVs. The Kremlin head visited the aircraft and the truck. Russian President Vladimir Putin during a visit to Kazan died at once for two modes of transport. He was first put on a Tu-160m plane, then at the wheel of the trucks. The details of "entertainment" of the Russian Head of State were told in the Telegram channel "RIA Novosti".

RIA Novosti journalists first reported Putin's 40-minute flight on a new Tu-160m military aircraft, which is able to carry dozens of missiles for blows in Ukraine. When the politician left the plane, he was surrounded by close officials - he was held under his elbows so that he would not fall. After that, Putin shared his impressions of the flight - assured that the aircraft was ready for work. The next entertainment that he was offered in Kazan is the opportunity to sit behind the wheel of KAMAZ.

Russian journalists assure that he not only sat, but even "drove". It should be noted that the spokesman of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov confirmed that the head of the Russian Federation really plans to rise on board the latest aircraft released at the Kazan Aviation Plant named after SP Gorbunov. According to Putin's plans, he was to stay in the air for about 40 minutes. Next to the plant is the Borisoglebsky military airfield.

The distance from the aerodrome to the border with Ukraine is about 1,000 km. Tu-160m is a Russian strategic bomber whose media was told in early 2023. Russian designers planned to attach to him the warheads "dagger", which should become more difficult. In addition, they installed the updated NK-32-02 engine, which is available at the Russian Federation and improved avionic. On February 22, the focus was commented from Anatoly Khrapchynsky Air.

Khrapchynsky noted that it is not known exactly how the plane called "White Swan" was modernized. One of the possible areas of effort is to increase the number of hours of repair resources, improve avionic, radar, reconnaissance. However, he doubts that there can be significant changes: in the conditions of sanctions it is difficult to get the necessary Western components.