
The Russians tested the Metrone complex: whether it will protect the occupiers at the front in Ukraine

The manufacturer assures that new technology allows the pilot to control drones at a distance of up to 7 kilometers without the use of additional communication systems. The Russian Center for complex unmanned solutions (CCBS) has developed a complex of far digital communication for FPV-systems "Metrone", which makes it possible to significantly increase the distance of drones. His chairman Dmitry Kuzyakin told this in a comment on TASS on Monday, November 20.

According to him, now Russian pilots of combat FPV settlements are forced to risk and approach the Armed Forces positions as close as possible or look for heights to increase the range of communication. The Ukrainian military, for their part, depart from the line of combat collision to remain outside the area of ​​the Drone-Kamikadze Drone, and this forces the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to approach even closer, while struck.

However, according to the developer, the Metrone Complex has to solve this problem. "The new complex has already been tested. At a distance of more than seven kilometers, the FPV combat was successfully taken from the car from the car, the surface maneuvering and landing at the same distance. The terrain was hilly, with forest plantings. We managed to distribute the start of the drone and the combat FPV calculation of more than seven kilometers, "Dmitry Kuzyakin told the press.

At the same time, he added that the "metronome" makes it possible to get rid of the need to use additional systems to increase the range of communication, which must be kept in the air as repeaters. Therefore, the use of the Metron complex in FPV-therots equipped with devices for sleeping, gibernators will make it possible to change the scenarios of the use of drones during combat and to protect the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

How much this development costs and whether they plan to use it on a permanent basis on the front in Ukraine Kuzyakin did not specify the Russian press. Recall that at the end of October, Russian invaders tested in Ukraine the HR "Triton", which should protect the armored vehicles from drones. The EWS system will create a 300-meter radio interruption that will help to avoid Ukrainian drones, developers say.