
It went in the area of ​​Chervonograd: the Dron of the Russian Federation flew into Poland after the shelling of Ukraine

According to the Armed Forces of Poland, a Russian drone from the district of Chervonograd, and disappeared from the radars - near Tyshovts in the Lublin Voivodeship, into the air space of the country. During the shelling of Ukraine, the Russian drone flew into the territory of neighboring Poland. This statement was made by the operative commander of the Polish Army General Machi Klimish. About it reports PAP.

"The object disappeared from the radars after 25 km deep into Poland," Klysh told reporters. It is claimed that the UAV was prevented by the weather. The general also specified that the air facility was not a rocket. In the Polish airspace, the drone flew from the district of Chervonograd (Lviv region), and disappeared from radars near the town of Tyshovts (Lublin Voivodeship). On August 26, the Russian Federation struck a combined rocket strike in Ukraine.

In total, the air forces recorded 127 rockets and 109 UAVs. These were aerobalist missiles "Dagger" and "Iskander-M". The missiles, as well as the Shakhi, launched from the airspace of Kursk, Voronezh and Belgorod regions, as well as from the Crimean and Mariupol district. Recall that Focus in its material explained that the Russian shelling cost about $ 5 billion, and Ukrainian and Western intelligence was probably miscalculated in forecasts for weapons in the aggressor.