
Almost half of Ukrainians believe that the war has come to a dead end, but most against Russia - WP

According to journalists, researchers during the survey revealed a strong public support for the continuation of the fight against Russian invaders. Most Ukrainians are not ready to accept the requirements of the Russian Federation. Almost half of Ukrainians believe that the war with Russia has come to a dead end. However, three -quarters of the respondents stated that "very confident" or "partly confident" that Ukraine would return all the occupied territories under control.

This is evidenced by the results of the survey conducted by the Rating Research firm, Washington Post writes. It is reported that 200 people from different regions of Ukraine took part in the survey, which will be published this week. However, there were no residents of the occupied territories or those living in another country among the participants. According to journalists, researchers have shown strong public support for the continuation of the fight against Russian invaders.

Most Ukrainians are not ready to accept the requirements of Russia, including surrender and rejection of four regions of Ukraine. According to one of the main researchers of the Carnegie Foundation, the survey shows a high degree of national unity of Ukrainians. However, he noted that fatigue was visible from the war. This has led to a "higher degree of uncertainty" as to who "win" or "what will look like a battlefield in a year or two. " Despite this, the resistance factor persists.

The material states that summer Ukrainians are more optimistic about Ukraine's chances for military advantage and are less likely to seek compromise with Russia. More than half of the respondents over 60 years (54%) said that Ukraine won war, while only 31% of respondents consider people between the ages of 18 and 25. Moreover, approximately 60% of elderly Ukrainians have reported that Kiev should not negotiate peace with Moscow, compared to 47% of younger respondents.

The material states that the survey error is 2. 2%. We will remind, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky spoke about mobilization in Ukraine. He stated that if Ukrainians want to keep their state, they should defend it. It was also reported that the Armed Forces found a new way of combating hundreds of drones "Orlan-10". According to journalists, now the crews of Ukrainian Migiv are engaged in the fight against Russian air defense and troops.