
The former civil servant and the owner of the network of microcredit organizations in Ukraine found a passport of the Russian Federation - "Schemes"

Journalists fear that thousands of debtors can get into the hands of Russian special services. Micro -suction organizations provide loans quickly without unnecessary issues, which is why they are very popular in Ukraine. More often than not, Ukrainians began to contact them after the war in Ukraine, as many people lost their home, work and a habitual lifestyle. Scheme journalists found that such institutions can not only bring a person to the debt pit, but also related to the aggressor country.

It is about one of the Ukrainian networks of micro -credit organizations - "just a loan". Schemes have explored one of the networks of microcredit organizations operating throughout Ukraine. And they found that its owners are the spouses of citizens from the Russian Federation, and their son is a deputy from "Unified Russia" in occupied Crimea, which supports Russia's invasion of Ukraine. In addition to the threat of national security, this violates a direct ban on the National Bank of Ukraine.

In the spring of 2022, after the beginning of a full -scale Russian offensive, the National Bank of Ukraine forbade Russian citizens to manage non -bank financial institutions - such as "just a loan". "Just a loan"-a firm founded in 2014, with more than 30 branches across Ukraine-from Volyn to Dnipropetrovsk region. And with millions of income. "Just a loan" offers loans from 2 to 50 thousand hryvnias. In cash and with home maintenance.

The company's website states that the interest rate "just loans" can reach up to one and a half million percent (1 597 820. 85%) per annum, depending on the amount of the loan and the term of its repayment. Because of this, a Ukrainian who will borrow money from the company - there is a high chance of becoming a debtor if he cannot repay the loan in time. The official registers of the company indicate two citizens of Ukraine.

The main - Andrei Manucharov, he has 90% of the firm, and Eugene Slyusar - he owns 10%. "Schemes" found that Andrei Manucharov has been a citizen of the Russian Federation since 2014. Prior to that, he headed the State Association of Ukrmorport in Ukraine, under the control of 19 seaports. Immediately after the registration of the company "Just a loan", in 2014 Manucharov received a passport of a Russian citizen in Crimea.

This is evidenced by the data of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, which account for the passport of Russian citizen Andriy Manucharov with the current tax number. Manucharov also started working at the Civil Service in the Russian Federation-Advisor to the Director General of "Rosmorera"-the Federal Enterprise of the Russian Federation, which operates with all the seaports of the aggressor country.

After the annexation of Crimea, he repeatedly visited Kiev, as evidenced by the data of the air travel at the disposal of journalists. It was often written by the media of the occupied Crimea. Manucharov's son - Ivan, began a political career. He is a deputy of Russia -controlled by the Parliament of the Occupied Crimea from the United Russia Party. He heads the Information Policy, Technology and Communications Committee. Manucharov Jr.

openly supports a full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, in April 2022 Ivan created a Telegram-channel and called it "Manucharov Crime Z". And often he writes there for helping the Russian invaders. Natalia, Andrey Manucharov's wife, also received citizenship of the Russian Federation in 2014. And registered a micro -credit organization called "Time Credit", which has at least 11 representative offices throughout Ukraine.

In May 2022, the National Bank of Ukraine issued a resolution banning Russian citizens to manage non -bank financial institutions - such as "just a loan" or "Time Credit". "In fact, this resolution says that Russians have no right to own a share in non-banking companies, instead they have to appoint a prosecutor instead," says Ruslan Black, a chief editor of the Financial Club "Financial Club".

According to the resolution, the credit institution had to appoint a proxy and its candidacy was to be approved by the National Bank. Scheme journalists turned to the National Bank for explanations. They reported that "just a loan" and "time credit" did not turn to them about the appointment of a trustee. After all, for the state regulator in the official documents of the Manucharov couple - citizens of Ukraine.

In the spring of 2024, the National Bank continued licenses to carry out activities of the above companies. The validity is unlimited. But after the Schema journalists transferred the collected information to the National Bank, they promised to send requests to the Security Service of Ukraine and the intelligence community bodies "for the purpose of obtaining additional information", - the NBU reported in response to a request.

"Yes, in case of confirmation of information on these persons of citizenship of the Russian Federation, the National Bank will have legal grounds for recognizing their business reputation and business reputation 48 of the Law on Financial Services, - this article was added. One of the power of attorney for 2023, which he made in Istanbul, also purchased a yacht for $ 2. 7 million, which in July 2024 was in southwest of Turkey.

- Why did you not inform the National Bank that is a citizen of the Russian Federation as the owner of LLC "just a loan"? - You have the citizenship of the Russian Federation since 2014. Why you didn't report . . . - Do not fantasize, - said Manucharov and put a phone. During the second conversation, Manucharov tried to convince the journalist "Schemes" that he was wrong with the number. - Who do you call, friend? Said Manucharov. - Andriy Ivanovich . . . - It's not me.

- I see this contact number in the "state service", sources of Russian databases. - Where you live? - I live in Ukraine, and you have a business LLC "Just a Loan" - also in Ukraine. - What kind of nonsense do you say? - Andriy Ivanovich, I clearly understand who I talk to. - My friend, I don't understand you. You probably need to take the medicine, ”Moncharov finished the conversation and put the phone.