
"Monologue of Capitulation": Blinken's assistant advises to wait a year before the negotiations of Ukraine and the Russian Federation

The US State Department confirmed that they did not press on Kiev on peace talks with Moscow. It was explained that today the Kremlin is not ready for dialogue on this topic. Russian President Vladimir Putin is not going to negotiate with Ukraine. However, there are no external forces that would force Ukraine to such negotiations.

When Putin and the Russian Federation are ready for peaceful negotiations, the US Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia James O'Branin said during a White House briefing. The statement of O'Branin was heard when communicating with the media dedicated to the future trip of State Secretary Anthony Blinken to Brussels.

One of the journalists asked to comment on the publication in the German edition of Bild, which referred to the existence of a German-American plan for pushing Ukraine for negotiations. The assistant Secretary of State Anthony Blinken states that the United States is not pursuing such policies, since at this stage of the war Russians are not yet ready for dialogue. According to the official, the US government does not see Putin yet ready to conduct a dialogue with Ukraine.

According to government officials, he plans to last for a minimum of a year and only then, perhaps, will the conversation begin. "It seems to us that President Putin says to wait for at least a year or more before he thinks about the cessation of this war," said Assistant Blinken. Currently, any pressure on Ukraine is "meaningless" and would only lead to a monologue on peace, the official said.

At the same time, he called similar possible actions of the Ukrainian government "a monologue on surrender. " "It would be pointless to conduct a discussion from Ukraine is not a dialogue; it is a monologue of surrender. Therefore, this is not part of our policy," said the State Department representative James O'Branin. It should be noted that the Western media published a forecast for war in Ukraine in 2024.

At the same time, they indicated that some small advancements of Russia, which would have an advantage in living strength and technology. In turn, Ukraine will focus on the construction of defense structures and training of the military, according to the media. Meanwhile, Focus journalists spoke with the director of the Institute of Transformation of Northern Eurasia, Vladimir Gorbach, who agreed with the estimates that were heard in a statement by a US Department Representative.

The expert stressed that Putin lies when he publicly speaks of his readiness to lead peace. In fact, he plans to take a small pause and then continue the war. Meanwhile, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said on November 20 that Ukraine was waiting for Ukraine. At the same time, the chairman of the states acknowledged that the Russian-Ukrainian war is protracted. We remind that the media told about the results of the visit of the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk to Brussels.