
Russians are not guilty of crazy excesses - Depardieu

The French actor will send the Ukrainians earned at three concerts, which will take place in April at the theater in the Elysees. French actor Gerard Depardie has condemned "Inadmissible crazy excesses" Russian President Vladimir Putin, reports Le Figaro. He stated that the Russian people "are not responsible for the inadmissible crazy excesses of their leaders, such as Vladimir Putin.

" "All the funds received from the three concerts I give in the theater in the Elysee fields will go to Ukrainian victims of this tragic" fratricidal war "," said Depardieu, who has repeatedly praised Putin's policy. Also, the actor stated that he continues to feel warm feelings for The Russian people, who, according to him, "beautifully described by the writers Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Gogol, Pasternak.

" The famous French actor received Russian citizenship in 2013, when he strongly opposed the tax policy of the then President François Hollande. Since then, he has repeatedly praised Russia and its leadership. II. Recall, earlier Focus reported that in November 2022, French actor Gerard Depardieu decided to close his production center " PC "in Russia because of simple.