
Stephen King commented on the Armed Forces offensive in Kursk region

Stephen King from the first days that Russia attacked Ukraine to Ukraine and expressed its support. 76-year-old American writer Stephen King has publicly supported the Armed Forces Operation in the Kursk region. He posted his opinion on his page on the "X" network (former tweet). In particular, the writer wrote that Russia receives what has earned, because they began this war. 1. 5 million users saw less than a day. Accordingly, such statements of the writer provoked a reaction.

Some users supported his position: "Russia attacked Ukraine. They deserve everything they receive," "Ukraine has the right to defend against illegal Russian invasion. The US is fully supporting Ukraine!", "History tells us that empires and tyrants fall. And Putin is learned and glory to Ukraine. The depths of the Ukrainian border can be reached there.

" However, there were also those who were indignant with the writer's words: "If Russia wanted Ukraine, it would take it many years ago," "Bandera Ukraine falls apart", "not Russia began this war. To blindly believe in our corrupt government and the media, "" writer-fantasy, who considers himself a geopolitical genius. In 2022, when Russia began a full -scale war in Ukraine, the writer expressed his support to Ukraine and continues to do so.

Then King stated that he would not continue to cooperate with the aggressor country and break all contracts with them. Thus, in October 2022, Stephen King advised Russia and its President Vladimir Putin to get out of Ukraine. On New Year's Eve, the writer wrote that his cherished desire to finally come peace in Ukraine. Stephen King has repeatedly appealed to the Russians calling for hostilities in Ukraine and stop killing the civilian population.