
For safety: military Russian military walk in civilian clothing - the resistance center

The invaders try to look like local, because of a recent murder of three mobilized soldiers. In addition, the Russians are afraid of tracking the locals who transmit information of the Armed Forces. The Russian military, who are stationed in the occupied Berdyansk Zaporizhzhya region, allowed the command to move in the city in civilian clothing for their safety. About it reports the Center for National Resistance, which works with the forces of special operations of the Armed Forces.

The reason was the recent liquidation of three mobilized servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Officially, they are considered missing, the Center writes. This is done not to sow panic among Russian soldiers in the occupied territory of Ukraine. Another reason for the movement of invaders in civilian is the vigilance of the local population. The residents of Berdyansk monitor the actions of the enemy and transmit information of the Armed Forces.