Who hit the Kursk village: as Russian propaganda tries to distract from the tragedy in the Dnieper
Therefore - as always in such cases - a picture "Not everything is so unambiguous" is created ". At 7:50 in the morning Governor of Kursk region made a throw that allegedly "Ukrainian copter" attacked a dwelling house in the village. The settlement, people were killed, including children who were taken to hospital and more. 2. 5 hours have passed - no confirmation. Zero photo. Nothing at all. Even in Kursk media. Everyone accelerate the quote of the official. The village of Horodyshche is located . . .
120 meters (!) From the border with Ukraine. Nothing to check there is impossible. At the same time, there is no point in starting a copter there for reset at all. Therefore, two options. First. The Russians invented everything to block the attack on an apartment building in the Dnieper. Second. The Russians hit their mortar or artillery in their own village, killed people. And now they are trying to use it to overlap the attack on the Dnieper. So they always do after the barbaric shelling of Ukraine.