
The breakthrough of the Russians in Kharkiv region: Ova answered whether Vovchansk was fortified

The Kharkiv Ova expects the conclusions of the investigation into the border breakthrough by Russian troops in May 2024. The Kharkiv Ova does not associate the breakthrough of Russians from the northern border in Kharkiv region with the presence of defense fortifications there. The head of Kharkiv Ova Oleg Synigubov said this in his comment to Ukrinform.

He noted that now the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration is waiting for the conclusions of the investigation into the breakthrough by the Russian troops of the state border in Kharkiv region. "Let's not associate what was done, in particular, and why the Russians were relatively easy or difficult. Our warriors met them in battle," the head of the military administration replied.

He added that the State Bureau of Investigation is conducting an appropriate investigation and the Ova awaits his conclusions. "Again, it is necessary to share the responsibility of the administration responsible for the third line of defense. It was erected both in 2022 and in 2023, and is now being built. We continue to perform the tasks of the military, facilitating them in the most effective as possible On the battlefield.

He noted that now the front line in the Volchansk and Liptsi area is stabilized, and the further advance of the enemy deep into both of these areas is not allowed. "But the situation remains tense and complex. Because the troops of the Russian Federation, knowing that you need to continue to press, despite failure, forced to pull up reserves - from Sumy direction and from Kupyansky even. We still check the information that there are units thrown from Kherson. direction, " - said Ova head.

It should be reminded that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 2 battalions went on the storm of the Volchansk aggregate plant, but their plan failed when the forces of defense attacked them west of the enterprise and advanced in the city, cutting off the Russians from their units. It was also reported that the DBR began to find out what happened during the Russian attack on Kharkiv and why the enemy managed to move quickly on kilometers deep into the Kharkiv region.