
The Armed Forces destroyed another gun of the 1950s, from which the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were fired by DPRK shells (video)

According to journalists, the M-46 gun shoots 130 mm shells that have long been manufactured in Russia. However, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use this weapon due to the supply of ammunition from North Korea and Iran. New frames of the destroyed M-46 gun emerged on the network, which was produced in the USSR in the 1950s. About it writes Russian media Astra. It is noted that the cannon shoots 130 mm shells that have long been manufactured in Russia.

However, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use this weapon due to the supply of ammunition from North Korea and Iran. "The 130mm caliber shells are no longer produced in Russia, but they are still actively creating Iran, whose arms are still many M-46 guns," the message said. On June 28, Defense Express observers said the Russian soldiers were using M-46 guns of 130 mm of AF-428m of North Korean production. The open pictures appeared in the open.

"Obviously, the Rashists went to the reference of specific and rare M-46 because of the high losses on artillery in general, during the fighting against the Armed Forces," the observers write. In addition, earlier in South Korea it was stated that the DPRK continues to provide the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with Artsnararti.