
FSB database leakage: Roszmi showed where the daughters and expert Putin were resting before the war

According to journalists, Kateryna Tikhonova's younger daughter, Kateryna Tikhonova, made more than 35 flights in just two years. Most often it was in France. The daughters and former wife of Russian President Vladimir Putin before the full -scale invasion of Russian troops into the territory of Ukraine often flew into expensive resorts and to European countries for vacation. About it writes "Agency.

Novosti", at the disposal of which the data from the base of the FSB border service found themselves. In particular, according to journalists, Putin's younger daughter Kateryna Tikhonova made more than 35 flights from May 2015 to the beginning of 2017.

It flew to countries such as: "And this is probably not a complete list, since the base reflects the first destination when departing from Russia and the latter in the event of arrival and probably contains data on all flights," the material reads . Journalists said that Tikhonov was especially often in France, flying to Paris, Nice, Biarizz and Shamber.

"Judging by the departure and return dates, the younger daughter of the President could spend about two months here for a year and a half," the article said. Tikhonov also has been systematically flying to Munich since the end of 2016, where her second husband Igor Zelensky was in charge of the Bavarian State Ballet.

Journalists also found out where Tikhonova spent New Year's holidays: Putin's eldest daughter, Maria Vorontsova, and by 2016 she actively flew in Amsterdam, at the homeland of her first husband, Yorrita Faassen. Together with him in January 2019, they flew to the homeland of Santa Claus-in Finnish Rovaniem. There were also Tokyo, and twice, first - 2018, and then for two weeks - 2019. In addition, Vorontsova flew to Italy, Germany, France, Greece and Cuba.

Lyudmila Ocheretna, according to the base at the disposal of the Agency. Novosti, from 2015 to 2019 approximately 20 times flying from Moscow to the countries where her real estate was located: she also visited London and Munich, where her daughter Kateryna Tikhonova lived. In the fall of 2015, the reed for three weeks flew to the Maldives. "There is only one Vorontsova flight after the war - in July 2022 in Yerevan.