
Hell heat attacks not only the human body but also the brain: in hell people lose the "gift of language"

In a new study, scientists have found that on the hottest days it is more difficult for people to find words, and all because our brain suffers. The climatic crisis that hangs over the planet is the cause of intense waves of heat, drought and forest fires. But the waves of heat not only make us sweat and feel stress - they are also capable of damaging the human brain, writes Gizmodo.

It is known that especially hot days can lead to a decrease in mathematics tests and increased aggression, ranging from malicious behavior and ending with violent crimes. However, scientists now find more evidence that the hottest days can also influence how people say. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel.

Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! A new study conducted by an international team of scientists found that in the days when the air temperature on the street is above 23. 8-26. 6 degrees Celsius, politicians tend to use shorter words in their speeches. In total, the team studied 7 million speeches in 8 countries, namely: then scientists compared performances with data on the average temperature per day.

The results showed that cool days did not give this effect. According to a co -author of the study who studies climate change at the Max Planck Demographic Research Institute in Germany, Risto Conte Kivab, understanding the effects of heat for human cognitive abilities becomes especially important with the warming of the earth's climate. The results also indicate that in the days when the temperature exceeded 27.

2 degrees Celsius, the simpler language used by politicians was equivalent to the loss of half of the month of education. According to Conte Kivab, this result is really much higher, as the team sought "the most conservative way to separate the influence of heat from any other possible factors. " For example, data from Germany shows that in fact the effect could be compared with the loss of four months of education.

Speech was evaluated using the Flesh-Kinida testness tests that show how difficult it is to understand the text, based on the length of words and sentences in it. The results of a new study also show that adults over 57 are more sensitive to heat than young people. It should be noted that other studies also confirm the idea that heat can distort our words, but earlier scientists believed that it was due to the deterioration of human mood.

The hatred language tends to grow along with the increased heat, as the previous study of 2022 shows. Interestingly, this was especially evident on social networks. Interestingly, unlike publications on social networks, politicians' speeches are preparing in advance, making the transition to a less complex language even more amazing.

Researchers argue that the psychological effects of heat can "encourage the speaker to simplify the speech or deviate from pre -prepared remarks due to violation of cognitive functions and comfort. " The team believes that even the short -term impact of heat can cause problems, for example, it is enough to take a break on the street or stand at the stop waiting for the bus.