
New Air Battle era: What will fight the reconnaissance drones of Ukraine and the Russian Federation (video)

Unmanned aircraft repeat the history of the development of World War II man -made times. Machine guns, rockets, nets, and other aircraft may appear in their arsenal. The reconnaissance drones of Ukraine and Russia from time to time are found in the sky, and lately began to fight lately, although they are not intended. The focus analyzed what weapons they can get for air battles.

The day before, the Russians published videos on which the Ukrainian UAVs were probably the "sorcerer" models, attacked Russian Zala and Orlan drones by Taran. The result of the attack is unknown, the Russians claim that their apparatus failed. Ukrainian pilots can be at risk so that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation does not receive important information, but the question arises of the expediency of such "weapons", given the dubious efficiency.

According to the tender conducted by the municipal enterprise "Dniprovsk Municipal Energy Service Company" Dniprovsk City Council in August 2024, one "sorcerer" costs 347 250 UAH. The manufacturer's website states that the sorcerer "sorcerer" are designed for reconnaissance, and therefore do not have a combat part to defeat any goals. That is, in the case of an unsuccessful ram, the Armed Forces operators can severely damage their own board, and the enemy will fly further.

In connection with these cases, Ukrainians have already wondered what can be armed with intelligence drones to make it more effectively attack Russian devices in the sky, without risking losing their expensive equipment. Experts have repeatedly noticed that winged drones repeat the path of pilot aviation, so they may well get weapons to fight each other.

For example, Ukrainian military expert Sergey Besrestnov, known under the pseudonym "Flash", suggested that very soon such devices would be supplied with light machine guns under the. Social network users even offer several machine gun models that can be suitable for this purpose. For example, a reduced replica M1917 Browning, processed by Tippman under a small caliber . 22 LR. It feeds on the ribbon and can have air or water cooling of the barrel.

The original replicas are now rare and are auctioned, for example, in 2019, one of the copies left the hammer for $ 14,950. Another option: Gatling's machine gun from the same company. This is a relatively new model, so it will be much easier to get it. The downside is more barrels, and therefore weight. For such weapons can be used drones, it is necessary to take care of the electrical recharge system. It will be needed not only to replace the tapes, but also in the case of a hairline.

Earlier, focus had already analyzed drones with small arms on board. The chairman of the Skyssist Supervisory Board, Igor Krynichko, then explained that the correct ratio of UAV weight to the machine gun is required for effective work, otherwise the return will stop it in flight. Another problem is low flight shooting accuracy. To increase it, you need a good guidance system, which will significantly increase the cost of the drone.

Another solution in this area was one of the Russian plants to be implemented on quadcopters. As Sergei Beskrestnov explained in his post, in the front of these weapons there is a firing barrel bar, and from the back, the counter -buying counter -buying is fired from the back, which removes the return. "The first guns used to work on aircraft," the expert said. Probably, such tools will also work on reconnaissance drones.

Some Ukrainians propose to put Javelin or Stugna missile systems on large drones. However, Igor Krynichko believes that it is more appropriate to develop missiles specifically for drones, taking into account the features of their design. To get them in, self -introduction technologies are needed, because it is quite difficult to hit the moving goal in the air. According to Igor, Ukrainian developers are able to create such missiles if they have enough time and money.

What do we have now? There are already drones in the world that can run missiles. For example, the Turkish Bayraktar Akıncı is capable of using air-air missiles, for example, Bozdoğan with infrared and bvraam Gökdoğan, as well as winged SOMS 275+ km. Smaller drones are also capable of using such powerful weapons. So in 2023 the large copter Sarisa SRS-1X from the Greek company Spirit Aeronautical Systems (Sas Technology) successfully launched a 70 mm Hydra Hydra Hydra missile during testing.

How accurately he is able to impress the goals, until it is not known. The nets have long been regarded as a promising remedy against drones in the war in Ukraine. As early as 2023, Ukraine purchased six complexes called "Shahanedov's Catching" for the protection of critical infrastructure for UAH 152 million.

The head of the Ministry of Defense Mikhail Fedorov then reported that the system is intended to knock down aircraft weighing up to 500 kg, such as shock Shahd-136 and reconnaissance "Orlan-10" used by Russia. "Shamoned Catching" includes radars that can detect UAVs on an area of ​​5 square kilometers, a means of "muffins" to block their control signals, as well as drones-interceptors Fortem Dronehunter F700, which shoots nets.

The latter fly up to 100 km/h and hunt for enemy drones at an altitude of 5. 5 km. Each of the hunters has two nets that entangle the propellars of enemy drones and gently lower them to the ground with a parachute. It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of such complexes, because since that time the government has not reported their success.

The developer of automated fighters' training systems known as Paolo Lumiere, believes that the grid throwing systems can be successfully used against drones of reconnaissance due to the larger area of ​​damage and less accuracy requirements compared to small arms. At the end of September, Sergei Beskrestnov reported a new Ukrainian development in the form of a large shock UAV, which is protected by small Kamikadze Kamikadze FPV.

The small apparatus protects against threats from the ground and air, including from other FPV diggers, so that the "uterus" flew to the target and has successfully attacked it. Around the same time, the Russians began to hung FPV-pings on the winged drones. At least two cases have been recorded when such a method was used for the task of strokes. In this case, the uterus serves as a signal repeater, which allows the FPV-Kamikadze to fly much further-about 40 km.