
The Armed Forces in the south destroyed the composition of enemy ammunition and pontoon crossing

During the day, September 4, in the area of ​​Tomina beams in the south, the Ukrainian military destroyed the composition of enemy ammunition. And near the village of Lviv - pontoon crossing. This was reported in the operational command of the South. Ukrainian aviation has struck 21 strikes on Russian positions, support and command points, areas of concentration of forces and means, as well as on transport and logistics facilities.

Rocket-artillery units continue to perform firing tasks in intensive quantities. Video of the Dnipro and Ingulets Crossing Day are under dense fire control. The results of the battle day are the losses of enemy troops in the amount of 104 invaders, 6 tanks, 26 units of other armored and automotive equipment, 9 howitzers of the MSTA-S and MSTA-B, as well as the unmanned scout Eleron-10.