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The rocket is presented in two variants - with a semi -active laser seeker and a...

New weapons for KA-52: The Russian Federation showed a winged small range of x-md-e rocket

The rocket is presented in two variants - with a semi -active laser seeker and an active radar look, which allows you to detect and be given on the target. The Corporation "Tactical Missile Warning" (CTRV) presented at the exhibition "Army-2024" a new winged rocket of small range X-MD-e. The ammunition is designed to defeat a wide range of targets, including ground armored objects, surface rocket boats and radio emitting purposes, both day and night. This is stated in the European Defense Review.

The rocket has a modular structure and is equipped with a solid fuel rocket engine. After the start, the trapezoidal wing and the wing of the plumage of the tail part are decomposed. The range of the X-MD-e is up to 40 km, and the start-up height can reach 9000 meters. With a length of 2. 4 meters and a diameter of 0. 2 meters, the rocket has a scope of a tail part of 0. 4 meters and is equipped with a fugas fragmentation-fragmental combat combat unit weighing 30 kg.

The starting weight of the rocket is 110 kg. The X-MD is presented in two variants that differ in the type of self-esteem seeker. Both variants have a general inertial navigation system for a cruising path of the trajectory, with the possibility of correction of signals from a barrier -protected satellite navigation system. The first option, X-MD-E1, equipped with a semi-active laser seeker, which allows to be given on targets, illuminated by a laser target.

The second option, X-MD-E2, is equipped with an active radar search, which allows you to identify and be given on the target yourself. At the exhibition, the rocket was shown in the flight configuration next to the KA-52 reconnaissance helicopter. This may indicate the possibility of using X-MD-e from these helicopters to damage ground targets up to 40 km away from the start area.

The main characteristics of the winged rocket of a small range of X-MD-e: the observers say that earlier the rocket was shown at the exhibition "Army-2021" under the designation of X-50E-001, designed to equip unmanned aerial vehicles like "Orion". This indicates the expansion of possible platforms that can be used by X-MD-e, which increases its versatility and combat capabilities.