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Suspension of reservation until November 15 will in no way solve the problem of ...

The abolition of the front will not save: who and how should find a balance between military and civilians

Suspension of reservation until November 15 will in no way solve the problem of the military, the political scientist Vladimir Fesenko warns, but will strengthen the problems of business. Ukraine needs a more flexible system that can satisfy the interests of both the front and the rear. The art of public policy, especially in democratic countries, is to find, ensure and maintain the balance of opposite and sometimes competitive public interests.

If this is not possible, there are serious economic, social, and eventually political problems. At the new responsible stage of the war against the Russian invasion, the problem of balance of interests between different directions of state policy is not just relevant, its value is increasing critically. First of all, this concerns the balance of interests between the need for mass mobilization and the optimal provision of labor resources in the rear.

It is a balance between the interests of the defense forces and the interests of Ukrainian business, between the interests of national security and the interests of the optimal functioning of the economy in the conditions of war. This problem became apparent at the end of last year, when the discussion of the mobilization bill began. Even then, President Zelensky reminded the formula according to which every Ukrainian warrior should economically provide 5-6 employees in the rear.

And it is not only taxes, it is the ensuring the work of internal infrastructure, our exports, etc. Now this problem has aggravated again. The military obviously has problems with the implementation of mobilization plans and, apparently, they found that it has become too much "booked" from mobilization. Therefore, they decided, temporarily, but in general to cancel the entire reservation system.

Currently, by November 15, the booking of critical specialists for Ukrainian enterprises has been terminated, and there is no clarity that will be further. From some extremes rushed to others. When solving mobilization problems, they began to quickly provoke economic problems. It is clear that the abolition of the reservation system immediately caused problems in business, and in one that works legally and has large enterprises or large public institutions for its work.

There are already statements from various business associations and individual companies that this problem should be solved immediately, otherwise there will be extremely negative economic consequences. I'm not talking about the injustice and ineffectiveness of such actions.

The victim of these actions is a legal business, which is the economic foundation of our resistance to Russian aggression and life of our society in the conditions of war and at the same time - the main source for the state budget. And the non -state support of our army is also carried out mainly thanks to national business. The Cabinet of Ministers, in particular the Ministry of Economy, should have solved this problem. But they do not behave extremely passively.

The President naturally listened to the needs of the military. Unfortunately, the government did not fulfill its function in balancing the interests of the military and the economy. And since we have key decisions, especially in war conditions, are made by the President of Ukraine, now, in my opinion, it should ensure this critical balance of interests.

It is the President who should act as the Supreme Arbiter in maintaining the optimal balance of interests of the economic and military blocs of our state policy. The procedure for booking critically important specialists for Ukrainian enterprises should be restored (perhaps to be updated to some extent), as well as the list of such critical enterprises.