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Andriy Smirnov is a responsible editor, HB What the country lived on September 1...

Putin is terrorizing the homeland of Zelensky

Andriy Smirnov is a responsible editor, HB What the country lived on September 15, 2022 ● Zelensky got into an accident. A video from the scene of an accident in Kiev with the participation of President Vladimir Zelensky's tuple appeared on social networks. The accident happened on the night of Thursday, September 15, in the area of ​​the capital circus.

Video of the day, according to the Prescribe of the Head of State Sergei Nikiforov, another car was entered into the car of Zelensky, whose driver had to hospitalize as a result of the adventure. “The doctors who accompany the head of state gave the driver the car to the ambulance. The president was examined by a doctor, no serious injuries were detected. All the circumstances of the accident will find law enforcement officers, ”he told the FB.

● The State Bureau of Investigation opened criminal proceedings on the accident with the participation of the President of Ukraine. He promises to inform the public about the course of the investigation. ● Putin terrorizes Zelensky's homeland. On September 15, Russian invaders hit Kryvyi Rih rockets. Alexander Vilkul, the head of Kryvyi Rih, reported this in Telegram. An unnamed industrial enterprise is seriously destroyed (and there are giants in the city as ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih).

This is a second blow to the city during the day. ● In the evening, the Russians hit the crooked horn for the third time. This time, as Wilkul wrote, there were "two arrivals in the area of ​​hydraulic structures". ● In the evening of September 14, the Russians hit the dam in Kryvyi Rih Rockets dagger and Iskander, 112 private homes were flooded due to significant raising water levels in the Ingulets River, said Valentin Reznichenko, head of Dnipropetrovsk Ova.

● Putin's soldiers - weaknesses and scoundrels. “Today, your rocket strokes, Russian rockets on Kryvyi Rih, on the Dam Karachuniv Reservoir. In fact, objects that do not have any military value, in fact on hundreds of thousands of peaceful people. This is another reason why Russia loses. Not only does this war lose, but also the story itself. The story is written by people, never, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in his address about the first strikes on Kryvyi Rih.

"Who will you stay in history - those who beat these rockets? Those who came to our land? Licoons. You are the weak people who are fighting with civilians. The scoundrels who have escaped from the battlefield that are trying to harm from there from afar . . . Terrorists will stay, whom their own grandchildren will be ashamed, ”the President added. ● Water is already going. The water level in the flooded areas of Kryvyi Rih has already decreased. Repair work is ongoing.

The head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council Mykola Lukashuk wrote about it in the FB. According to him, in the Central city district in the Mershavetsev Park the maximum water level was 190 cm, now-already 172 cm and continues to decrease. “Water goes. The apocalypse is canceled, ”Lukashuk wrote. ● The Russian Federation tried to flood the Ukrainian offensive.

Russia struck the Dam of the Karachuniv Reservoir in Kryvyi Rih, trying to interfere with the Armed Forces counter -offensive in the south, where the Ingulets River is an important geographical object. As a result, the water in the river rose 2. 5 m. On September 14, the American Institute for War Study (ISW) wrote about it on September 14.

And, according to ISW analysts, the counter -offensive of the Armed Forces continues to weaken the Russian forces and jeopardize the objects of Russian artillery and air defense. On September 14, the General Staff of the Armed Forces reported that the intensity of Russian artillery shelling was significantly reduced. The ISW and the attention of September 14, a video where Russian oligarch Eugene Prigogin, "Putin's chef," recruits prisoners against Ukraine in the Russian prison.

"The sponsor of Wagner PVC Prigogin becomes the face of the Russian" special military operation "in Ukraine", - the analysts of the institute state. Other conclusions: Russian and Ukrainian sources report the continuation of terrestrial attacks of the Armed Forces in the northern part of the Kherson region, the western part of the Kherson region and to the northwest of Kherson; The Russian forces continue ground attacks in the Bakhmut area, as well as to the northwest and southwest of Donetsk.

● The Russians are buried in defense. Russian occupation troops are trying to strengthen the first line of defense in Donetsk and Zaporizhzhya regions, the General Staff of the Armed Forces said. To do this, they move reserves from the composition of the units recently recruited from the reservists of the Third Army Corps, as well as the remains of units withdrawn from the Kharkiv direction.

At the same time, due to the fact that the Ukrainian forces have violated the logistics support of the invaders, units of the enemy at the front, according to our General Staff, there are not enough ammunition for rocket launchers and artillery. ● The Ukrainian forces successfully repelled the enemy attacks in the north and west from Donetsk. ● The invaders are preparing to keep the north of Luhansk region.

Russian troops are preparing for defense in Svatovo (northwest of the Luhansk region) and Trinity (north of Luhansk region, near the border with Russia) and charge the equipment against the background of a successful counter -offensive of the Armed Forces in Kharkiv region. This was reported by the head of Lugansk Ova Sergey Gaidai: “There will be no longer such a surprise factor as in the Kharkiv region.

Already, they are charging troops to Svatov, Trinity, burning and preparing to defend themselves. " During the fighting for raisins, Svatovo had more for the occupiers. "Now for the Russian army the situation has deteriorated, already sending to raisins, they realize that the next after Lyman will be Svatove, Trinity, Kreminna, and there they pull everything there," Gaidai summarized. ● The enemy has great losses near Kryvyi Rih and Nikolaev.

Since the beginning of a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation, about 53,850 of their military has lost, of which last day - 200. Such data was published by the General Staff of the Armed Forces. The enemy suffered the greatest losses per day in the Kryvyi Rih and Mykolaiv directions.

The invaders also lost almost 14 thousand pieces of equipment, among which: tanks - 2193 (+13 per day), combat armored vehicles - 4682 (+17), artsystems - 1295 (+5), rocket launchers - 311 (+0 +0 ), air defense agents-167 (+0), planes-250 (+4), helicopters-215 (+0), drone operative-tactical level-908 (+0) and more. ● "So much has changed in Kiev. " The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Liaien arrived in Kiev.

She reported this on Twitter in the morning, posting a photo from the railway station: “In Kiev, for my third visit since the beginning of the war of Russia. So much has changed. Ukraine is now a candidate for the EU. " The purpose of the head of the EC is to discuss with President Vladimir Zelensky and Prime Minister Denis Shmigal, "Ukraine is making progress on the way to EU accession.

" A little more about the European Commission: ● EU country is left without money? The European Commission intends to recommend reducing the funding of Hungary's government through large -scale corruption in the country, Bloomberg said with reference to high -ranking EU officials. According to Bloomberg, the EC formalizes its rating on September 18. EU governments will make a final decision within three months.

In order for the proposal to come into force, it should be supported by the qualified majority of Member States-at least 55% of EU countries, representing at least 65% of the block population. ● And the European Parliament officially no longer considers Hungary a full -fledged democracy and recognizes it as a "electoral autocratia" because of the actions of the Hungarian government and Prime Minister Victor Orban.

● The Senate presses the idea of ​​the Russian Federation - a sponsor of terrorism. Democrat Richard Blumental and Republican Lindsey Graham presented in the US Senate a law on the recognition of the Russian Federation by the country - sponsor of terrorism. The first recalled numerous murders of peaceful Ukrainians and other manifestations of cruelty from the Russian Federation.

The second author believes that the adoption of the bill will be a convincing testimony to the support of the United States of Kiev and other US allies. On July 28, the Senate unanimously approved a resolution that calls on the State Department to declare Russia a state - a sponsor of terrorism (it is the foreign policy department that takes care of these issues), but the administration of Joe Biden never dreamed of such a step.

● And the leader of the Republican minority in the US Senate Mitch McConnell called on Baiden administration to increase weapons supply to Ukraine: “Ukrainians need more weapons we provide for them, they need to start getting it faster, as well as new opportunities, such as ATACMS more radius drones and tanks. " ● Scholz decided to become a co -author of the Ukrainian victory.

"It can be said that the weapon that Germany has now provided Ukraine is crucial for the development of a conflict in eastern Ukraine, and it also caused changes in hostilities," said German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz. According to the government list, Berlin has set ten 155 mm howrhaubitze 2000, 24 Gepard anti -aircraft tanks, and more easily weapons.

Chancellor added that Germany will soon hand over the IRIS-T anti-aircraft missile complex, which is "modern equipment that is not even used by the Bundesver. " However, Scholz again excluded the supply of Leopard or Marder BMP tanks, insisting that such steps should be agreed between the allies and no other country sends Western combat tanks to Ukraine.

● At the same time, German Minister of Defense Kristina Lambrecht reported that Berlin is ready to send Dingo armored vehicles (50 pieces) to Ukraine and additional Mars II (two pieces +200 jet shells). Bild reported about it. The preparation of crews to work with this technique should take place in Germany and will begin in September. ● There are no fighters yet.

In the near future, US Presidential Administration, Joe Baiden, does not plan to transfer to Ukraine a long-range ATACMS rockets and F-16 aircraft. This was reported by CNN with reference to its own sources. According to officials, the United States is still rejecting some Ukrainian weapons supplies, including ATCMS. Officials do not believe that the battle landscape has changed so much to justify the sharp change in the strategy in the short term, despite recent Ukrainian successes in Kharkiv.

● And Lithuania will soon send two parties of armored personnel carriers to Ukraine, said the Foreign Minister of this country Gabrielus Landsbergis. ● Putin met SI. For the first time since the beginning of the invasion, Russian dictator Putin has negotiated with the Chinese Chairman Jinping during the Shanhai Summit of Cooperation in Uzbekistan.

Among other things, the parties discussed the Russian Federation against Ukraine and the encroachment of the PRC on Taiwan, as well as sanction pressure on them by the US and the EU. ● billions of Russian losses. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation calculated direct losses for the financial sector of the country through sanctions imposed against Russia. It's about hundreds of billions of dollars in direct loss.

Bloomberg wrote about it with reference to the internal document of the Russian Ministry of Finance. The estimate takes into account significant strikes in the stock market, bank capital, as well as $ 300 billion of frozen foreign currency reserves of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the agency notes. This analysis was included in the presentation for a closed meeting of Russian officials, which took place in August and was dedicated to response to sanctions.

The document only deals with losses for Russia's financial system, without taking into account the impact of sanctions on the country's economy as a whole. And finally: ● parts of the country will not pay for peace. More and more Ukrainians are not ready to make territorial concessions to achieve peace. In July, there were 84%, and in September 87%. These are the results of the KIIS survey (September 7-13, 2 thousand respondents).