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American engineers have been able to adapt for the war in Ukraine a complex of R...

To counteract the Armed Forces: Ukrainian F-16 received from the USA the latest system of the Reb

American engineers have been able to adapt for the war in Ukraine a complex of Reb, which is not in service with the United States, in a short time. The engineers of the 68th Squadrilles of the US Air Force Radio Air Force reprogrammed the complex of electronic wrestling (EIT) at F-16 fighters intended for Ukraine so that aircraft can withstand the modern weapons of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This was reported by the Visual Information Service of the US Department of Defense.

It is reported that in order to effectively integrate the F-16 aircraft into the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces, it was necessary to reprogram their subsystems of the IIT, making them effective against Russian threats. This task was entrusted to the experts of the 68th Squadron of the EW, which is the center of the excellence of the US Air Force in the field of radio electronic wrestling. As noted in the department, engineers encountered a double problem.

First, they had to modify a non-armed complex. The second problem is a short time. It was necessary to optimize the system of EW to deliver to Ukraine. "Most reprogramming centers would say" for nothing ", coming to this task; it's an unknown story. We looked at each other and said," If not we, who? We are the best people to do it, "-said the chief engineer of the 68th squadron. To perform this modernization, the 68th squadron gathered a team of experienced experts and young engineers.

Their first task was to understand how an unfamiliar system was arranged . У своїй роботі фахівці спиралися на дані, надані Данією і Норвегією.

Як зазначають у Департаменті оборони США, розібравшись із роботою системи, команда відправила своїх спеціалістів за кордон у лабораторію країни-партнера для спільного розроблення та тестування системи разом із товаришами по коаліції.

В Squaders emphasized that they did not act on their standard algorithm, but as a result the team was able to deal with the system in two weeks, as well as to make the necessary modernization of the system of RBs for Ukrainian aircraft. Improve the reprogramming process. This will allow you to further update the systems, not only for Ukraine, but also for the US and other NATO members. "Without an effort, this would not be possible.

Co-work as colleagues on the project is the only reason that it happened,"-summed up a leading 68th EWS equipment specialist. We will remind, in early August it became known that Ukraine received the first F-16. They were promised by US Presidential Administration Joe Baiden a year ago. Only ten aircraft are announced yet, but by the end of the year it should increase to twenty -five.