
Putin began to fly Russia accompanied by Su-30cm fighters (video)

According to Russia, earlier the Russian president resorted to such security measures exclusively during foreign trips. It is unclear what caused such "reinsurance". Russian President Vladimir Putin made a working visit to Yakutsk on Tuesday, for the first time in the last ten years. Particular attention was paid to the support of his plane by Su-30cm fighters. About it on June 18 writes the Russian "Agency. News".

It is noted that this is the first visually confirmed case from the beginning of the war, when Bort # 1 is accompanied by military aircraft during a visit to the Russian region. "The fighters were accompanied by the President only abroad, one of these cases Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin speaker, explained the safety considerations," Russian journalists said. Unlike internal trips, the support of Putin's international business trips is regularly covered in the media.

In particular, such security measures were applied during the flights of the President of the Russian Federation to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and the UAE. In December 2023, the Ministry of Defense of Russia even published frames with Su-35 fighters, which accompanied Putin's aircraft during a flight to the UAE. Then Peskov explained it to the safety considerations.

"The region is restless, and if the UAE and Saudi Arabia are stable, safe countries, then the environment, the region is adjacent to the danger and unpredictability," - quoted by the journalists of the speaker of the Speaker of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov. The Su-30cm aircraft mentioned by Russian journalists is the Soviet and Russian double-purpose 4+ generation fighter. Designed on the basis of Su-27UB.