
Kara-Murza and others: Putin's oppositionists began to disappear in Russia from prisons

Oppositionists and political prisoners began to disappear from the colonies of the Russian Federation since July 29. Their relatives and lawyers were not reported. Their location is unknown. Volodymyr Kara-Murza, a citizen of Russia and the United Kingdom, convicted on charges of treason for 25 years, transferred from prison in Siberia and heads to another place.

A number of political prisoners disappeared from the Russian colonies, including the heads of Navalny Staff and the artist Alexander Skochylenko, who in 2022 changed price tags in stores for anti -war slogans. About it reports Reuters. Journalists say that they contacted the Penitentiary Service of Russia, and in the FSVP they were informed that Kara-Murza was transferred from the IC-16 correctional colony in Omsk to another place. Where exactly - do not specify.

In recent days, several Russian dissidents and persons convicted of the war of Moscow in Ukraine have disappeared from Russian prisons. According to human rights activists, it can be a sign that they are being exchanged. The first disappeared Liliya Chanyshev, Exglav Navalny Staff in Ufa. It was taken in an unknown direction from the colony in the Perm region. Hatin's diamond man learned about it when he brought the show. It happened on July 29.

Subsequently, the newspaper "Siren" reported that another former head of Navalny's headquarters in Tomsk - Ksenia Fadeev disappeared. "Employees refuse to respond to the lawyers where it was taken. The ex-head of the Tomsky headquarters of Navalny was stage from the colony in an unknown direction," the message said. Her lawyer was informed that she "left" from the Novosibirsk colony of IC-9. When asked where and on what basis it was staged, the colony staff refused to respond.

At the end of 2023, the court condemned Ksenia Fadeev to 9 years of colony and a fine of 500 thousand rubles in the "extremist" case against the former coordinators of the structures of Alexei Navalny. On July 30, it became known that in an unknown direction from the pre -trial detention center in the Samara region, they took the co -chair of the Memorial Oleg Orlov.

Also in an unknown direction, artist Sasha Skochylenko, who, shortly after Russia's war against Ukraine, changed price tags in stores for anti -war slogans. The administration of the St. Petersburg Sizo-5 reported that artist Sasha Skochylenko "left" from the institution. Allegedly in Moscow. Also in an unknown direction were the policy of Illya Yashin convicted for the "State Council" of 19-year-old Kevin Lika.

The mother of Kevin, who has a dual citizenship of the Russian Federation and Germany, received a response from the service for the delivery of products to the FSVP institution of the Arkhangelsk region about the absence of a young man in the specified colony. The medicine was in the IR-14 Kitka-Muravian. The liquid was sentenced to 4 years in the colony in the case of the State Education Council for photographing the military unit in Mikop. At that moment he was 16 years old.

Russian journalists have put forward two versions of why oppositioners disappear from prisons in Russia. This can really be preparation for a large exchange. The idea of ​​exchange of prisoners in Russian colonies (in particular, American journalist Evan Gershkovich) on Vadim Krasikov - a Russian, convicted of the murder of the former Chechen field commander Zelimman Khangshvili in Berlin, has been unofficial. Putin was hinted at the same in an interview with Carlson.

Another option is allowed, according to which the simultaneous stage for several political prisoners may be an attempt to pressure on opposition or strengthen control over convicts. We will remind, the Moscow city court condemned the politician and journalist Vladimir Kara-Murza to 25 years of imprisonment in a colony of strict regime.