
Without Ukraine it does not work: why in the Russian Federation there was another disaster with a rocket "Sarmat"

Scientific expert Alexei Parnovsky analyzes the catastrophe on the tests of the Russian strategic missile "Sarmat". The root cause of what is happening, he sees in the unpreparedness of Russian military designers to do the work that Ukrainian specialists did for Russia. The network is spreading the news of the unsuccessful testing of the Russians of their MBR PC-28 "Sarmat". I have something to say about it. 1.

I am convinced that PC-28 "Sarmat" is an attempt by KB Makeev to copy P-36M2 (also known as 15A18M, PS-20, "Voivoda" and SS-18 Satan) development of KB "Southern". P-36M2-rocket on liquid fuel, components of NDMG+AT. Engines for its first two degrees of Russian development: 4 * RD-263 / 15D117 Khimkin NGO "Energomash" (KB Glushka) at the 1st stage and RD-0256 + RD-0257 Voronezh KB "Himavtomatics" (KB Kosberg) for 2- Mu degrees.

On the 3rd stage R-36M2 was the engine RD-869 development of KB "Southern". In addition, the design of the rocket, especially fuel supply systems, is also the development of KB "Southern". 2. The need for copying is caused by the fact that the IBR R-36M2, which stood on combat duty in the Russian Federation, were previously serviced by Ukrainian specialists, so after its termination, they came to an unsuitable condition.

The RF's own developments based on solid fuel MBR families RT-2PM* Poplar have a much smaller mass of HC and a slightly smaller range. 3. Makeev's KB has previously made only ballistic missiles of submarines, so it is not their profile, and it was last long ago. 4. On April 20, 2022, the first and last successful test of the alleged MBR PC-28 "Sarmat" was conducted.

Having analyzed the available materials, I came to the conclusion that it was a MBR P-36M2, which they somehow managed to bring to flight suitability and launch. 5. After that, there were 4 unsuccessful trials allegedly PC-28 "Sarmat". The last of them is the one in question. 6.

It is unclear whether it was an attempt to start or work with components: it is possible to install by analyzing the readiness of land services (including the control service of the route and services of the Kura Polygon) on satellite images. I do not have access to the pictures of these areas of sufficient separation. 7. The result of the incident is the rocket explosion in the SPU with complete destruction of the latter.

Destroyed or significantly damaged objects in the immediate vicinity of the SPU. The explosion caused a forest fire. It is also worth expecting significant contamination of the terrain with highly toxic fuel components and their combustion products. 8. Interesting details concerns the designation of the MBR PC-28 "Sarmat", as well as other modern Russian missiles. RC means "strategic rocket" and is a term of a contract for restriction of strategic weapons.

In the USSR, this designation system has never been used; Instead, the designations of P for liquid and RT for solid fuel rockets, as well as the game indexes, were used. As far as I understand, this designation system was accepted in a period when the actual leadership of the Russian Federation was carried out by Yevgeny Primakov. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position. The author is responsible for published data in the "Thought" section.